We Do All The Work And You Collect All The Cash
If you're NOT currently looking for an income opportunity, then just delete this message. If you ARE looking for an income opportunity, then... WELCOME TO THE HOTTEST CASH GENERATING PROGRAM ON THE INTERNET! I'm sure that this is not the first opportunity that you have ever run across that claims that you can make a lot of cash, very quickly. But, this just might be the only program you'll ever run across, that can actually make that happen. Every other cash generating program that you've ever run across was probably doomed from the start, for 3 simple reasons. 1) You needed to dedicate a lot more time and effort into the marketing of your program, than you originally planned. 2) You needed to invest a lot more money into the marketing of your program, than you originally expected. 3) Your success depended solely on you. And, unless you're a marketing expert, your expected level of success just wasn't going to be achieved. Well, that's where our expertise comes in. We here at Internet Marketing Services, have been asked to develop an effective marketing system that would require virtually no effort and very little capital. We are proud to tell you, that our experience in this industry has enabled us to create a very low cost, high response, marketing program, that blows away traditional methods of network marketing and advertising. The secret to becoming successful in any business is to get your message to as many people as possible, in a cost effective manner. Through our creative advertising program were able to greatly reduce our costs and we are simply passing the savings on to you. IT'S REALLY AMAZING HOW EASY THIS IS AND HOW BEAUTIFULLY IT WORKS! By compounding our efforts and combining your advertising along with other income opportunity seekers wanting to participate in this highly profitable program, Internet Marketing Services is now able to offer you the best Internet marketing rates available anywhere. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS. Multi-level marketing is still used by some of the largest companies in the world today; Amway, Excel and Avon, just to name a few. This highly effective, multi-level business provides you the same type of opportunity. A business that offers a proven cash generating program, complete with a low cost internet marketing service. THIS IS THE SECRET TO YOUR SUCCESS! If a new customer decides to participate in your program, they simply send you a $5.00 commission. And the best part is, we do all the hard work for you, you just collect your cash. As with all multi-level businesses, your income is generated by recruiting new customers that have the same interest as you. The desire to create a large cash income. And, every state in the USA allows us to legally recruit for you, via the Internet. For an extremely low fee of only $35.00, we will market this highly profitable opportunity to 750,000 people with your name and address inserted into the mailing. Then you just go to your mailbox and collect your cash. That's all there is to it. HERE'S HOW YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS COMPOUND. In each mailing your name will be included with 2 other distributors. We will then advertise your opportunity to 250,000 people, in 3 seperate mailings. So your opportunity will be offered to 750,000 different people. EXAMPLE: Mailing #1: 250,000 People Mailing #2: 250,000 People Mailing #3: 250,000 People FOR A TOTAL OF: 750,000 People NOW, LET'S COMPARE COSTS. If you were to send your offer through the postal service, it would cost you $240,000.00, in postage alone. The typical e-mail company charges 1-2 dollars per 1000 addresses mailed to. That would be a minimum of $750.00. Other methods could be even more expensive than using the postal service. As you now can see, by compounding your advertising dollars with other income opportunity seekers, it allows us to offer you a cost effective way to cash in on a proven income generating program. And remember, we do all the work for you. You just go to the mailbox and collect your cash. THIS IS A LEGITIMATE MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY. It does not require you to come into contact with people, do any hard work, and best of all you never have to leave the house except to get the mail. This multi-level, e-mail order, marketing program works perfectly, every time. E-mail is the ultimate sales tool of the future, and the future is now! If you ever wanted "THE EASY WAY" to make a lot of money... just follow these 3 easy steps using this sure fire system! STEP 1: Send $5.00 in "CASH" to each of the 3 distributors below. Just like new customers will be sending to you, once your name has been placed onto the mailing. Also, include a seperate sheet of paper with your name as it is to appear on this mailing, along with the words, " I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR INCOME OPPORTUNITY NETWORKING SERVICE." Once the 3 distributors receive your $5.00 payment, they will each e-mail us your name, verifying that you have paid them their commission. This service also eliminates the possibility of anyone replacing any existing names on the mailing. #1: Dr. J.A. Johnson 400 W 76th Ste#108 Anchorage, AK 99518 #2: Patrick Rothbauer 5217 Northview Dr. Wichita Falls, TX 76306 #3: Business Success ***PLEASE NOTE*** PO Box 273 Doring PUT ON 2- 32cent stamps Surrey RH5 5YN ENGLAND, UK STEP 2: Send $35.00, along with your name and address as you want it to appear on this mailing. (You can use your full name, your initials, a business name or what ever you prefer) Once we receive your payment and verification via e-mail that you paid each distributor their commission; we will automatically position your name and address through all 3 mailings until this offer has been e-mailed to 750,000 people. Be sure to include your e-mail address. Once we receive your payment, we will e-mail you our priority e-mail address. This is how you will notify us that you received your payment from customers that want to paticipate in your program. This is a fool-proof system that eliminates anyone from using your service without paying you your $5.00 commission. You can use this program as many times, and as often as you like. By doing this, it is possilbe to create a perpetual cash income. And yes, we accept personal checks. Make check payable to and send to: Internet Marketing Sevices 2375 E.Tropicana #135 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Please note, Internet Marketing Services does not participate in your offer, nor do we share in your income in any way. Internet Marketing Services is a low cost, internet marketing provider only. STEP 3: Go to your mailbox daily and collect your cash. MAKING MONEY JUST DOESN'T GET ANY EASIER THAN THIS! By now your probably asking yourself, "how much money can I really make?" Below are the results of an Internet survey conducted by www.survey.net: 50% of the people on the Internet have made purchases, 40% have made several purchases, 80% like the idea of shopping on the Internet, 50% of those purchases are computer information related, 50% think of e-mail as their second most important application, 20% have made purchases because "I came across it and I liked it, so i bought it." POSSIBLE EARNINGS PER 750,000 E-MAILS 1% Response @ 7,500 X $5.00 = $37,500 1/2% Response @ 3,750 X $5.00 = $18,750 1/4% Response @ 1,875 X $5.00 = $ 9,375 1/8% Response @ 938 X $5.00 = $ 4,690 HOW MANY RESPONSES DO YOU THINK YOU WILL RECEIVE? As more and more people look for ways to create wealth and financial security, the need for a successful income opportunity is constantly in demand. This higly effective marketing program has only recently been made available. There are millions and millions of people who haven't yet received this offer. THIS IS STILL VERY MUCH A GROUNDFLOOR OPPORTUNITY! BUT IT WON'T BE FOR LONG! If your fed up with the high cost of marketing and advertising then why not take advantage of this powerful opportunity and start creating wealth for you and your family. We hope that you are one of those unique individuals that does more than just dream about creating wealth and has the foresight to see what an incredible money making opportunity that this really is, requiring no effort and a very small investment. JUST IMAGINE WHAT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY CAN DO WITH ALL THAT CASH! FREE WEBSITE: Would you like to create your own website for business or personal use? Just go to www.freeyellow.com and follow the prompts.
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