Re: details of 6/26 action on HR 695?? wrote:
Are these the same amendments from before, or new ones?
The H.R.695 amendments referred to in the Congressional Record appear to be the same ones described in House Report 105-108: If there are others they have not yet been published. ----------
Congressional Record: June 26, 1997 (House)] [Page H4834] From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access [] [DOCID:cr26jn97-74]
Under clause 5 of rule X, the following action was taken by the Speaker:
H.R. 695. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to affirm the rights of U.S. persons to use and sell encryption and to relax export controls on encryption; with an amendment; referred to the Committees on Commerce, National Security, and the Permanent Select Committee on intelligence for a period ending not later than September 5, 1997, for consideration of such provisions of the bill and amendment reported by the Committee on the Judiciary as fall within the jurisdiction of those committees pursuant to clause 1(e) and (k), rule X and rule XLVIII, respectively.
participants (1)
John Young