GUARANTEED! 10.9cpm Long Distance Rates To "All 50 States" - 24 hrs - No Fees...

_________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for taking the time to read this money saving announcement. To be removed from further mailings, press reply and type "remove" in the Subject: area. _________________________________________________________________________ Dear Consumer, Reduce your cost on your home an/or business operating expenses. Our Long Distance Rates have real monetary value to you! Business, Residential, Domestic and International! With Flat 24 hours a day GUARANTEED LOW RATES! With No Fine Print!! _________________________________________________________________________ Home: 1+Dialing & Toll-Free - 10.9 cents per minute Business: 1+Dialing & Toll-Free - 09.9 cents per minute Home & Bus.: Calling Card - 16 cents per minute Home & Bus.: US/Canada International Calling & International Call-Back _________________________________________________________________________ OUR LONG DISTANCE CALLING PLANS HAVE: No Fine Print No Time Limit Offer No Bait and Switch Tactics No Peak/Off Peak Restrictions No Local Exchange Carrier(LEC) Fees _________________________________________________________________________ keeping it simple! For the home.. 10.9 CPM TO ALL 50 STATES! -- FROM ALL 50 STATES!! NO TERMS OR VOLUME COMMITMENT! A telephone conversation with a close friend, no matter how far away, is just as important as any business call. That's why We offers the same quality and service to every home and business we serve. Rate Billing: 10.9 -- 24 hours a day, thirty seconds minimum, six-second incremental billing. NO minimum usage and NO 1+dialing monthly fees. _________________________________________________________________________ For the office and the home that's an office.. 09.9 CPM TO ALL 50 STATES! -- FROM ALL 48 CONTINENTAL STATES! NO TERMS OR VOLUME COMMITMENT! If you're one of the 40 million Americans who use your home as a work- place, We makes more sense than ever. You need quality fiber optic technology, with service you can count on with less bureaucracy. You need billing that makes every call easy to track. Your business will save money using us. That's because large or small, we understand the needs of today's businesses. You need personalized attention to your individual calling needs. You need competitive rates on all your long distance calls. You need fast and friendly customer service. ----- "OUR BUSINESS CUSTOMER SATIFACTION GUARANTEE" ----- The Business Customer Satisfaction Guarantee ensures that if you are not completely satisfied with our service plan, we will: * Refund any change over fees paid to switch from your present carrier to us. * Refund any change over fees paid to switch back to your carrier. (terms and conditions apply) Rate Billing: 09.9 CPM -- 24 hours a day, eighteen seconds minimum, six- second incremental billing. NO minimum usage and NO monthly fees for 1+Dialing. $3.00 monthly fee for 800/888 Toll-Free service. _________________________________________________________________________ OPTIONAL: STAND-ALONE 16 CPM .. to anywhere in the USA, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. NO NEED TO CHANGE PHONE COMPANIES. This Calling Card is a stand-alone Calling Card that can be used regardless of which phone company you currently use. There is no need to change your long distance service. NO PER CALL SURCHARGE. Other calling cards charge .70 - .85 cents just for the first second of each call, plus .25 - .40 cents per minute there after. With us you only pay 16 cents per minute. NO ROUNDING TO THE NEXT-HIGHEST MINUTE. We offers additional cost savings: 6 seconds billing increments with an initial 18 second minimum. FOR EXAMPLE, an 18 second call is billed as an 18 second call; a one minute and six-second call is charged just that, not as a two full minutes. _________________________________________________________________________ OPTIONAL: STAND-ALONE International Long Distance.. NO TERMS OR VOLUME COMMITMENTS! Home or Business, International Low Flat Rate, 24 hours a Day. With this STAND-ALONE International carrier you do not have to change your current Interstate long Distance carrier. An 800 number is call from your US phone number(s) that you register as the billing number(s). This International Plan with the 9.9 CPM or 10.9 CPM Interstate package is a great combination to maximize your Global Long Distance usage. France 29 cpm Australia 28 cpm Germany 29 cpm Russia 67 cpm Rates available for almost every country.. NO LEC (Local Exchange Carrier), Service or Sur-charge charges. One minute minimum, One minute incremental billing. This International plan in most cases offer lower international rates than your long distance carrier. International Call-Back (For calling from other countries) also available. _________________________________________________________________________ Do what thousands of others are doing everyday. Switch to a long distance company that will serve you better. Why pay for bigger when it's not better! Everyday, commercial and residential users are switching long distance companies. Some are lured by special "limited-time offers," others are dis-satisfied with the service they're getting now. The ones switching to us understand that bigger doesn't always mean better. _________________________________________________________________________ If long distance is an important tool in your business or a tool to keep in touch with friend and family. Don't get caught up in the "Big Three CarrierÂ’s " vicious circle! These plans we offer are ideal and tangible for everyone without the hassles. There are no confusing calling circles, complex rates plans or misleading fine lines. Just high-quality, fiber optic technology with every call, along with easy-to-understand bills, low rates and excellent customer service. If you have a question, you get an answer -- fast. What could be simpler? _________________________________________________________________________ If you have any questions or would like to order one of our Service Plan, E-mail us. Press reply and type the word "Service" in the "Subject:" area, and send Name, Fax number or Address with description of the service of interest in the "Text:" area. Please include your name when requesting information. We'll fax, or snail-mail to you (whichever you prefer) the necessary forms and information. We also offer E-mail Applications for faster processing. _________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Application Instructions: We'll do the paperwork for you. Request the "Calling Card E-App", "Home E-App" or the "Business E-App" in the "Subject:" area. Description of the service of interest in the "Text:" area is required. Once you receive the E-Application, press "Reply" and fill in the needed information in the questionnaire. E-mail it back and our staff will fill out the proper application(s) that correspond to the service that you are requesting with the information from the E-Application. We will then fax or snail-mail (Postal Service) the completed application(s) for your review and signature(s). You then mail or fax the application(s) back for provisioning process (switching to new carrier). _________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your interest and look forward to providing a money savings plan to fit your telecommunications needs. If you have any question feel free to contact me. Note: Faxing is the fastest method for processing and provisioning. _________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Dealer For Major Long Distance Service Providers. David Velz, Guardian Global Telecommunications Domestic and International Long Distance Consultant. Tel: 303-779-6646 E-mail: ____________________________________________________
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Guardian Global Telecommunications