www.borders.com: "Borders is opening new stores almost every week. If there's not one near you now, there will be soon." This is depressing. Something has to be done about "free"-market capitalism. It is as destructive as government, and built on the same lies.

At 11:32 PM -0800 12/3/1997, Mix wrote:
www.borders.com: "Borders is opening new stores almost every week. If there's not one near you now, there will be soon."
This is depressing. Something has to be done about "free"-market capitalism. It is as destructive as government, and built on the same lies.
Fortunately, this gives a significant price advantage to Web-based book stores, like Amazon.com, who can sell w/o adding state/local taxes. In fact Amazon has sued Barns & Nobel for, I believe, unfair competition claiming they were not adding these taxes to their on-line book orders. No doubt the major book sellers wishing to enter on-line sales will be looking for ways to avoid having to tax and the state attorneys general will be looking closely into enforcing their state sales and use taxes. --Steve

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- At 11:32 PM 12/3/97 -0800, Mix wrote:
www.borders.com: "Borders is opening new stores almost every week. If there's not one near you now, there will be soon."
This is depressing. Something has to be done about "free"-market capitalism. It is as destructive as government, and built on the same lies.
Schumpeter's Creative Destruction. You end up with a lot more stuff when you finish the cycle than when you begin but some people don't like more "stuff." Mostly those who have plenty of "stuff" already and can easily feed their babies. DCF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBNIdga4VO4r4sgSPhAQHZOgQA2NnHJs8uh1+Fu4rPgy7D38xphWwsF47/ RGvdMewl3SMLNPNvnQ51sCW9RQxiQXwvtPzcmjH90hfqy6409hOn0fkDVdLNHcjd iySGAhT4Thy4TDfveFkL+TjQJ0wXs6vMX95rd9o7ifzMS3f2n//d/fUSEq2bfkHe K/gPSMha8+Y= =ZwtI -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- An entity claiming to be Mix wrote: : : www.borders.com: "Borders is opening new stores almost : every week. If there's not one near you now, there will : be soon." : : This is depressing. Something has to be done about : "free"-market capitalism. It is as destructive as : government, and built on the same lies. : And what, exactly, would these lies be? Other than any claims that one of these "Mothership" chains will be healthy for the local economy. I used to live in Indiana, PA, where the unemployment rate was about 12%. A big ol' WalMart plopped down just outside of town in my last year there. Via the power of sheer bulk-buying, they undercut EVERY local business they competed with. Despite the overwhelming roar of money being sucked out of the region, I fail to see any underhandedness. They were honest androids. Mark - -- [] Mark Rogaski "That which does not kill me [] wendigo@pobox.com only makes me stranger." [] [] finger wendigo@deathstar.jabberwock.org for PGP key [] anti spambot: postmaster@localhost abuse@localhost uce@ftc.gov -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQEVAwUBNIeGo3zbrFts6CmBAQFJ6ggAwbqwz+cS6bLoBSDn53ehoDUTjNmytB8B xXCQO1fCNkjmj6TJRbrhtT1wL+wXaOc8mFrxIv0+bQY4BETZXG8iOroVMJCMJClZ eAbGuCc53xHXpiK+hsYreriRCS0xjwvRDt+zC+hgr/uTaGhcad6chAeQzP0vMzjo pM4NKVos9/uYvibu3ddxQ5jeUh5x5VpLsDb8DuSqVIkZkaaqzW9IKNUKK2od6DFT YwB82OOldWhXp3Vi/pfX1H+vv6ADt6hieaoR8TBex0W9bMfosCRWsuLlzyBmycYG mHbYPVXog+LzKLkwsz/0lWkohJEWRyD5ic3Lko/MNcnhjrGM9YA7rA== =0sWd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (4)
Mark Rogaski
Steve Schear