Re: it aint successful until someone loses his temper <g>
Paul Penrod <> writes:
Well, I see that you could'nt leave well enough alone... :-)
Since Snow decided to jump into your face on this one, I might as well throw my $0.02 on the table as well. Funny how my trashcan stays very empty these days now that cypherpunks is in my bit bucket...
I suggest you subscribe to cypherpunks-unedited. It may go away, but for now it's much more interesting than the censored version.
Frankly, it does not surprise me that homosexuality is yet another pointless off-topic to be discussed on the list.
Thanks to the moderation, only one side of the issue gets aired anyway.
+Thank God for AIDS.
when AIDS was relatively obscure, I always dismissed AIDS as God's response to homosexuality (and other crimes against nature); i.e. -settlement by a just God.
I almost threw a dumb ass redneck of a ship in the middle of the ocean for a comment like this. ... This politically correct bullshit response is just symptomatic of someone who is uncomfortable with the position taken for expediency's sake and is trying to justify to himself the course taken.
The "politically correct" homosexuals, like snow and gilmore and sandfart consider (violent) action to be a reasonable response to speech they don't like (e.g. "homophobic") - not "more speech". Someone says something you disagree with on a mailing list? Unsubscribe him! Ban him from the list! Institute moderation to auto-discard everything he says! Curiously, African-American children are taught that violence is a correct response to "racist" speech. ObEbonics: "Dot's right, judge, I shot da mothafucka cuz he call me a nigga!"
I've read a lot of your rantings on this list, and I agree with some of them, but statements like this prove that you are a bigoted idiot. You may have some areas where you know what you are talking about, and I wouldn't want to be on the sharp end of a gun you were holding, but your head is definately stuck firmly up your ass.
Ok, we throw down the gauntlet here in true USENET style, and in keeping with that, have nothing of value to say (just name calling).
When they run out of things to say, they start pulling plugs, unsubscribing people, and "moderating"...
1) If homosexuality is a "choice", why would anyone choose that
where the averge life expectancy is in the 40's, that causes so much pain among ones family, and so much conflict with the rest of society.
I can answer this one, having worked for Jesuits: having deviant sexual desires may not be a choice, but willingly committing unnatural acts to satisfy your deviant desires is a choice.
The answer is you can't. You adopt a knee-jerk position that reinforces your deliberate isolationism. Anything that may cause you to question your worldview gets sorted to /dev/evil and you plow ahead like some pig ignorant dough boy killing as ordered for king and country.
Who's the ignorant one here? The name caller or the recipient. My vote goes to the name caller, as he assumes this to be a debate of fact, when in essence he's expressed only his opinion on the matter and not bothered to show teacher his homework (the dog ate it - so give me an "A" anyway 'cause I deserve it). ;->
And when the namecalling doesn't work, they respond with violence. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps
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