Re: Tim May's offensive racism (was: about RC4)
Tim May-San says:
At 6:54 PM -0700 11/14/97, Anonymous wrote:
It is astonishing that people like you [Paul "Fatmans" Bradley] and William Geiger, who apparently make their living as consultants,
Their likely clients don't given one whit what comments they may have made on mailing lists.
Tim: Fatmans doesn`t have any clients. He`s just a wannabe consultant. He`s actually an undergrad at some limey univesity, and has too much time on his hands.
Hell, their clients don't even care if they're card-carrying members of the KKK.
Yeah likely.
Even if you share Tim May's lack of moral constraint, you presumably do not also share his wealth.
Sensitive flowers such as yourself need to move out of places like Amsterdam and get with the program.
Oooo another subtle suggestion that the Journeyman is the anonymous poster. TruthMongrel-San
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