NETA & exporting PGP
March 20, 1998 Export Law Tested by Sale of Privacy Software SAN FRANCISCO -- An American maker of data-scrambling software said Thursday that it would circumvent U.S. export policies by allowing its Dutch subsidiary to begin selling an international version of Pretty Good Privacy, a strong encryption program that does not provide a back door for law enforcement surveillance. Because the company, Network Associates, is the nation's largest independent maker of computer security software, its action could have a serious effect on U.S. export policies on software. Network Associates' decision to sell a program specifically prohibited by the Commerce Department comes at a time when the Clinton administration is already fighting congressional attempts to end export controls on encryption software for fear that such restrictions will hurt the ability of American industry to compete internationally. [...] David W. Crawford <> Los Gatos, CA ps If there is an addres preferred to, let me know.
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