Re: what's in a name?
Without answering any of the points raised by Wei Dai, let me address the subject line. I have been a long time reader of and occasional contributor to the cypherpunks list. Since it is high volume, I prefer not to have it show up in my mailbox, but read it from either or With the recent change in status of the list, what I get at those two places is the edited list. The same would apply to other sublists subscribed to too. If hks and infinity started archiving the unedited list, this wouldn't bother me so much. Other than that, I am saddened, as much as a Tim is enraged, that a supposedly libertarian and anarchistic group of people has decided that censorship is the right solution to their problems. Btw, what is with Seems to have been down for couple of days.
participants (1)
Secret Squirrel