Deniable Cryptography [was winnowing, chaffing etc] writes:
I figure the best we can do is to hide the contents of S with crypto and hide its existence through other means. Traditional stego works well for this latter goal, but it does not give us a way to cough up something meaningful in place of S, which could be very handy.
In short, certainly the existence of S needs to be hidden, and it would be best to do hide it in plain sight as it were, in a big junk pile with everything else on the drive.
Indexing this huge mess of data to allow for a practical system to work with is certainly a challenge, and in all likelyhood impossible given the parameters of the system.
Marutukku (my rubber-hose proof filing system) addresses most of these technical issues, but I'd like to just comment on the best strategy game-theory wise, of the person wielding the rubber-hose. In Marutukku the number of encrypted extents (deniable "virtual" partitions) defaults to 16 (although is theoretically unlimited). As soon as you get over about 4 pass-phrases, the excuse "I can't recall" or "there's nothing else there" starts to sounding highly plauseable. Ordinarily best strategy for the rubber-hose wielder is to keep on beating keys out of (let us say, Alice) indefinitely till there are no keys left. However, and importantly, in Marutukku, *Alice* can never prove that she has handed over the last key. As Alice hands over more and more keys, her attackers can make observations like "the keys Alice has divulged correspond to 85% of the bits". However at no point can her attackers prove that the remaining 15% isn't simply unallocated space, and at no point can Alice, even if she wants to, divulge keys to 100% of the bits, in order to get the un-divulged portion down to 0%. An obvious point to make here is that fraction-of-total-data divulged is essentially meaningless, and both parties know it - the launch code extent may only take up .01% of the total bit-space. What I find interesting, is how this constraint on Alice's behaviour actually protects her from revealing her own keys, because each party, at the outset can make the following observations: Rubber-hose-squad: We will never be able to show that Alice has revealed the last of her keys. Further, even if Alice has co-operated fully and has revealed all of her keys, she will not be able to prove it. Therefor, we must assume that at every stage that Alice has kept secret information from us, and continue to beat her, even though she may have revealed the last of her keys. But the whole time we will feel uneasy about this because Alice may have co-operated fully. Alice will have realised this though, and so presumably it's going to be very hard to get keys out of her at all. Alice: (Having realised the above) I can never prove that I have revealed the last of my keys. In the end I'm bound for continued beating, even if I can buy brief respites by coughing up keys from time to time. Therefor, it would be foolish to divulge my most sensitive keys, because (a) I'll be that much closer to the stage where I have nothing left to divulge at all (it's interesting to note that this seemingly illogical, yet entirely valid argument of Alice's can protect the most sensitive of Alice's keys the "whole way though", like a form mathematical induction), and (b) the taste of truly secret information will only serve to make my aggressors come to the view that there is even higher quality information yet to come, re-doubling their beating efforts to get at it, even if I have revealed all. Therefor, my best strategy would be to (a) reveal no keys at all or (b) depending on the nature of the aggressors, and the psychology of the situation, very slowly reveal my "duress" and other low-sensitivity keys. Alice certainly isn't in for a very nice time of it (although she she's far more likely to protect her data). On the individual level, you would have to question whether you might want to be able to prove that, yes, infact you really have surrendered the last remaining key, at the cost of a far greater likelihood that you will. It really depends on the nature of your opponents. Are they intelligent enough understand the deniable spect of the cryptosystem and come up with the above strategy? Determined to the extent they are will to invest the time and effort in wresting the last key out of you? Ruthless - do they say "Please", hand you a Court Order, or is it more of a Room 101 affair? But there's more to the story. Organisations and groups may have quite different goals in terms of key retention vs torture relief to the individuals that comprise them, even if their views are otherwise co-aligned. I'm not talking about some mega-complex multinational 8 level hierarchy. A simple democratic union of two or more people will exhibit this behaviour. When a member of a group, who uses conventional cryptography to protect group secrets is rubber-hosed, they have two choices (1) defecting (by divulging keys) in order to save themselves, at the cost of selling the other individuals in the group down the river or (2) staying loyal, protecting the group and in the process subjugating themselves continued torture. With Marutukku-style deniable cryptography, the benefits to the individual derived from choosing tactic (1) are largely eliminated. Individuals that are "otherwise loyal" to the group, will realise this and choose tactic (2). Presumably most people in the group do not want to be forced to give up their ability to choose defection. On the other hand, no one in the group wants anyone (other than themselves) in the group to be given the option of defecting against the group (and thus themselves). Provided no individual is certain* they are to be rubber-hosed, every individual will support the adoption of a group-wide Marutukku-style cryptographically deniable crypto-system. * Actually a complicated threshold. Cheers, Julian

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On 28 Mar 1998, Julian Assange wrote:
Rubber-hose-squad: We will never be able to show that Alice has revealed the last of her keys. Further, even if Alice has co-operated fully and has revealed all of her keys, she will not be able to prove it. Therefor, we must assume that at every stage that Alice has kept secret information from us, and continue to beat her, even though she may have revealed the last of her keys. But the whole time we will feel uneasy about this because Alice may have co-operated fully.
I've never really fully understood this assumption. It seems to me that any person or group that would beat a person isn't going to care much if Alice cooperated or not. All things considered, a group with enough power to grab Alice and beat her probably has ways to escape punishment from the law, or doesn't care about the law in the first place. In this case, I figure that their best option is to beat Alice everyday forever or until she dies. Whichever comes first. The longer they beat her, the better chance there is that she broke down and gave them her most important secrets. Even if she can't prove it.. so what? The rubber-hose group isn't exactly the boy scouts. They beat her the next day too, this time a little harder. Alice may hold up, she may not.. I don't really see the cryptosystem helping here. You can't win a game when the other player doesn't use your rules. You have to use the same set of rules. We know that the rubber-hose wielding guys aren't going to play by Alice's rules. So, the only way for Alice to win is to do the impossible (because this is reality, not TV) and that is to grab the rubber hose and beat them with it. I don't think that any crypto can defend this sort of attack, because it has nothing to do with crypto. Consider even a one-time pad. Alice could calculate the needed pads that would turn her ciphertext into other meaningful plaintext messages. So they beat her. She gives them a pad.. and they beat her again. It won't end. They can never know if they got the "right" pad. But it doesn't really matter, does it? In my opinion deniable encryption is only valuable against a more or less civil entity. Now, what might be useful is some sort of biometric info that is part of the key material. Heart rate, brain wave patterns, maybe biochemical information. As Alice gets beat the fluctuations in her body could make it impossible for her to reveal the information. A sensitive enough system might even stand up against stuff like intimidation and nervousness.. a polygraph test can supposedly detect this. If such a system were implemented, then this could render rubber-hose cryptanalysis useless, or at least much harder to put into effect. Michael J. Graffam ( -- Philosophy, Religion, Computers, Crypto, etc Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine. Henry David Thoreau "Civil Disobedience" -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBNR1/dgKEiLNUxnAfAQF5vwP+Mfykp2hNTgItZpgq5GXPoPwQl0enJv40 C+q43NSvaOzO3t+DAjfJj2IJuqDKXRy5FZikkCvOvr1cadJMbhqliKIrOHC1fkeB ElDnx+7LxzlGsgieAxGFI8JvEB685VY8qsprYFzfI2hQitvztPccpQE/Xvr0ftZi 3meDBzVLq8A= =0bdE -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- writes:
On 28 Mar 1998, Julian Assange wrote:
Rubber-hose-squad: We will never be able to show that Alice has revealed the last of her keys. Further, even if Alice has co-operated fully and has revealed all of her keys, she will not be able to prove it. Therefor, we must assume that at every stage that Alice has kept secret information from us, and continue to beat her, even though she may have revealed the last of her keys. But the whole time we will feel uneasy about this because Alice may have co-operated fully.
I've never really fully understood this assumption. It seems to me that any person or group that would beat a person isn't going to care much if Alice cooperated or not.
All things considered, a group with enough power to grab Alice and beat her probably has ways to escape punishment from the law, or doesn't care about the law in the first place.
In this case, I figure that their best option is to beat Alice everyday forever or until she dies. Whichever comes first.
"Rubber hose" cryptanalysis needn't involve actual beatings in secret underground cells. Simple example: Cops raid your house, rough you up a little bit (not much) and toss your ass in a cell with "real ' criminals. 12 hours later they take you into a room and play good cop/bad cop with you. Maybe you're not sure you could stand up to this, and might panic and reveal more than you have to (remember, you haven't been charged with a crime yet). However, if you do hold out, the chances that you'll be let go, and get your stuff back in a few years, are pretty high. In this case, being able to spill a key that revelas harmless stuff is good, since the police are unlekely to hold you for a long time. "Dissapearing" is the regressive case, and there's not a whole lot you can do in regressive cases. If someone really wants to defect, they will. Jer "standing on top of the world/ never knew how you never could/ never knew why you never could live/ innocent life that everyone did" -Wormhole

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Jeremiah Blatz wrote:
"Rubber hose" cryptanalysis needn't involve actual beatings in secret underground cells. Simple example: Cops raid your house, rough you up a little bit (not much) and toss your ass in a cell with "real ' criminals. 12 hours later they take you into a room and play good cop/bad cop with you. Maybe you're not sure you could stand up to this, and might panic and reveal more than you have to (remember, you haven't been charged with a crime yet). However, if you do hold out, the chances that you'll be let go, and get your stuff back in a few years, are pretty high. In this case, being able to spill a key that revelas harmless stuff is good, since the police are unlekely to hold you for a long time.
Absolutably. I understand that deniabled crypto will help against a civilized enemy, but it is not an answer for the worst case scenario. I maintain that algorithms aren't what we really need for this type of key management. It is nice to be able to give up less important keys as a matter of convienence, but as long as the user can get the data so can an attacker. If we have a physical system that gets key information from the user through biological feedback that takes stress conditions, blood pressure, etc into account then if any of these signs are out of the norm the device can generate bad key information as a result of this. This insures that the user will not be able to get the information if he is being physically manipulated. This also has use in areas where we dont want the user to be authenticated when he is in an odd state of mind, such as when dealing with weapons systems. I dont think that biofeedback technology is at the point to make this usable yet, but I hope that advances are made quickly. The firearms maker Colt has explored authentication devices for their weapons, but I dont know the details. Michael J. Graffam ( -- Philosophy, Religion, Computers, Crypto, etc "..subordination of one sex to the other is wrong in itself, and now one of the chief hindrances to human improvement.." John Stuart Mill "The Subjection of Women"

On Sat, Mar 28, 1998 at 05:53:36PM -0500, wrote:
I've never really fully understood this assumption. It seems to me that any person or group that would beat a person isn't going to care much if Alice cooperated or not.
All things considered, a group with enough power to grab Alice and beat her probably has ways to escape punishment from the law, or doesn't care about the law in the first place.
Generally speaking, you bind attackers with constants (or else, most of the cryptography we are using is pretty much useless). Why won't you bind physical attackers with constants just as well? The longer you are kept alive, the higher the chance you'll be released, be it because your attackers run out of resources, suddenly feel guilty, find out the information some other way or being caught by law enforcement (or your friendly rebel group). If your attackers can prove they've gotten all they need from you during the first week, you might be killed or released (this might be a political issue, at times. Prisoners of war will generally be kept alive, for various purposes, such as gaining some more when an agreement is signed). If they can't, they are bound to beat you, or try various other methods - but they won't kill you right away. This is a good thing, for most people (others might wish to end the torture, even by being killed, but they can't do that. Tough luck). True, if you are kidnaped by a very large organization, like a country, you don't stand a chance - you will either give up your secrets, and/or die (history generally tells us that people can't stand torture. The exceptions are remarkable, and probably indicate a certain level of mental illness, before or after the act <g>). Smaller organizations are bound by constants that might eventually be in your benefit.
down and gave them her most important secrets. Even if she can't prove it.. so what? The rubber-hose group isn't exactly the boy scouts. They beat her the next day too, this time a little harder.
Excluding external influences, if the group isn't presenting any rewards, every logical system against them is quite useless. It doesn't matter whether you tell the secret or avoid telling it - it makes no difference. A function with no parameters, and hence a constant outcome. That's why I consider dynamic secret sharing a better approach. Make certain the attackers need to catch a group of people in order to gain the secret, and change the partial secrets every short period of time. This isn't always practical, of course.
So, the only way for Alice to win is to do the impossible (because this is reality, not TV) and that is to grab the rubber hose and beat them with it.
(Alice can always fascinate her attackers with a new and exciting cryptosystem, and while they are busy studying it, sneak behind and hit them on the heads with a selected cryptography oriented book). Nimrod

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Nimrod Zimerman wrote:
Generally speaking, you bind attackers with constants (or else, most of the cryptography we are using is pretty much useless). Why won't you bind physical attackers with constants just as well?
True, we impose limits on our hypothetical attackers. Eve can listen, but not modify.. but we assume Mallory has the ability to do both. Systems that are safe against Eve are exploitable by Mallory. I see no reason why we can not also assume more powerful physical attackers. I do not deny the use of deniable crypto :) .. it is useful against certain attackers. Certainly it is useful against the majority of attackers we are likely to encounter, for the dexact reasons that you site. However, my point is that just as public key exchange is attackable by Mallory in some circumstances, deniable crypto is useless against certain physical attackers.. namely O'Brian and room 101. This is not to say that public key crypto or deniable crypto is useless.
True, if you are kidnaped by a very large organization, like a country, you don't stand a chance - you will either give up your secrets, and/or die (history generally tells us that people can't stand torture. The exceptions are remarkable, and probably indicate a certain level of mental illness, before or after the act <g>). Smaller organizations are bound by constants that might eventually be in your benefit.
This is exactly my point. For the average guy in America, deniable crypto is probably irrelevent (unless he happens to be an average criminal too). But in a state where the law is wrong (we never heard of anything like that, have we?) there is probably a use.
That's why I consider dynamic secret sharing a better approach. Make certain the attackers need to catch a group of people in order to gain the secret, and change the partial secrets every short period of time. This isn't always practical, of course.
Yeah, I agree. For some secrets it might be the best approach, say for the codes to launch a nuclear weapon.. but for others it probably does not work.
(Alice can always fascinate her attackers with a new and exciting cryptosystem, and while they are busy studying it, sneak behind and hit them on the heads with a selected cryptography oriented book).
Hehe.. :) I like that. Michael J. Graffam ( -- Philosophy, Religion, Computers, Crypto, etc "Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.." - Immanuel Kant "Metaphysics of Morals"
participants (5)
Jeremiah Blatz
Julian Assange
Michael Graffam
Nimrod Zimerman