Re: Report on UN conference on Internet and racism
At 10:27 PM 11/18/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
In <>, on 11/18/97 at 11:34 PM, Mikhael Frieden <> said:
At 06:53 PM 11/18/97 -0600, William H. Geiger III wrote:
I think that there is plenty of case law of extending constutional protections to non-citizens. One that comes to mind were the rulings against California inwhich the courts ruled the they were obligated to provide schooling and social services to illegal aliens (a really fucked rulling IMNSHO but if some good can come out of it no sense not making use of it).
In a much more fundamental sense, if they were not given constitutional protections they really could be rounded up and bussed across the border.
And this would be a BadThing(TM)??
It would be a good thing. But the former was postulating civil rights to medical care and such. I mentioned constitutional rights. Once they are here they here they are entitled to a fair trial before being kicked out. And as to bail, if they are illegally here, what is possibly the risk of flight? To Mexico? Is not that the point? That is why the INS gives them a trial date and releases them as they must be treated as right-protected citizens. And the objection to release is fleeing juristidiction under the law. It is a Catch-22. Cheech being born in East LA to the contrary not withstanding. The movie protested reality after it was gone. (If it was Chong, the facts do not change.) -=-=- The 2nd guarantees all the rest.
participants (1)
Mikhael Frieden