ZDNet Special Report: Web Tragedy
------------------------------------------------------------------ ZDNET ANNOUNCEMENT 3/28/97 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Join us today for our latest ZDNN news special report,"Web Tragedy". Once again, we see how the Web affects us and our culture, in ways never foreseen. Shades of Jonestown. A mass suicide. Bizarre enough. But even more so. Reason: Even this could be tied to the Internet. ___"Heavens Gate" Web Site Now Accessible Via Yahoo! Internet Life___ As the Heaven's Gate Web site continues to experience overload, Yahoo! Internet Life has mirrored a major portion of the site for Internet surfers looking for more information on the cult. Heaven's Gate Web site: http://www.zdnet.com/yil/higher/higher.html ___ ZDNet News Special Report___ Visit ZDNet News for a comprehensive news package on the suicide of the 39 Web designers, including: video reports, insight from inside the Net subculture itself, perspective from cult experts, a discussion forum and the latest news as it happens. ZDNet News Special Report: http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/heavensgate ___ Yahoo! Internet Life Offers Report from Cult Experts___ Yahoo! Internet Life also offers an exclusive column by noted cult experts Robert Siegelman and Flo Conway, who try to make sense of the tragedy. Cults on the Web: http://www5.zdnet.com/yil/higher/cultcol1.html We'll be updating these sites continually as this story unfolds. ________________________________________________________ ZDNet Announcements are periodic notices of new features, special events and free offers available to members of ZDNet. --To subscribe to ZDNet Announcements, please send mail to: announce-on@lists.zdnet.com You can leave the subject and body blank. --To unsubscribe to ZDNet Announcements, please send mail to: announce-off@lists.zdnet.com You must leave the subject and body blank. _________________________________________________________ Powered by Mercury Mail: http://www.merc.com
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