Re: [Fwd: School Sponsorship]
TRUTHMONGER FOR PRESIDENT wrote: : ----- Begin Obvious Forgery ----- : Clinton refused to comment on the recent brouhaha over a student in : San Francisco being expelled for life for wearing a T-shirt with : an elephant on it during a Political Correctness Event sponsored by : the Democratic Party. Truthmonger occassionally takes time out from being a loudmouthed pain in the butt to illustrate a valid point. Free speech is free speech whether it involves a Pepsi logo or a political logo. A person could make an equally ridiculous and equally valid point by suggesting the expulsion of black students for not showing up to school in whiteface during events sponsored by the Aryan Nations. Unfortunately the school officials involved feel justified in excusing their repression of civil rights and liberties by downplaying the specifics of the compromise of freedom they demanded of their students in return for corporate funding. Like gun-control and GAK proponents they are asking for only a "small compromise" as an ante into a game which will eventually result in the players with the largest pockets naming the game. Even the most outrageous of silly conspiracy theory posts to the list failed to predict the advent of mandatory-voluntary Coke T-shirts in the school system. Is the cuality of qraziness on the list slipping? : TToommoorrooww: Gates Pie-Boy Gives Clinton a Wedgie...
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