Hi: This email is in reference to YOUR LISTING ON YAHOO! If you are interested in placing your web site in the TOP TEN on the major search engines, please read on. (If not, please disregard this email and accept our apology for any intrusion.) reply with remove in the subject. For those of you who are interested, please read on! (Ed. note: Yahoo asked that we mention that our group and Yahoo are not affiliated --they probably wouldn't let us publish this if we were affiliated). ____________________________________________________________ SEARCH ENGINE SECRETS HOW YOU CAN GET YOUR SITE CONSISTENTLY IN THE TOP 10 ON MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES (and watch your hit count skyrocket) As you probably noticed with the listing of your site on the search engines, it is becoming more and more difficult to be found among the MILLIONS of listings. If you"re like the rest of us you have found it extremely frustrating. You spend lots of time and money developing your site and then you're listed number 30, or 80, or even 200th. You're NEVER FOUND. *************************** GOOD NEWS The good news is we have found a SOLUTION. After months of fighting the search engine battle we got LUCKY. A programmer recently became associated with our firm who had done some CONSULTING WORK for six months with one of the major search engines. With his help we developed a REPORT on the major search engines and how they really work. ***************************** REPORT His report is excellent. We have been using the material in the report for over five months. IT WORKS! With it, our sites are in the top TEN listings on all major search engines and we have experienced a virtual stampede of people to the web sites. HITS ARE UP, SALES ARE UP, and most importantly, everyone is HAPPY.
Now, YOU CAN HAVE A COPY of his report. In it you will find:
How to vault in the TOP TEN on any search engine using any
keyword. Strategies that put you ahead of 95% of the other sites online. How to STAY in that TOP TEN. How to improve your chances of being found in about 10 MINUTES.
How the search engines calculate CONFIDENCE ratings (and what
that means to you).
Killer META TAGS that totally blow away your competitors.
Which search engines are the very BEST FOR YOU.
How to get your site REGISTERED for FREE at over 200 locations,
in one easy step (it takes 10 minutes).
How to BLOCK out part of your site from the search engines (and
why you should do it).
The effect of REPEATING KEY WORDS. (good or bad?) What happens
when you repeat them too many times?
LATEST FORMS for developing the best meta tags. Meta Tag
strategies that can broaden your audience and build high volume web traffic for you. We tell you exactly what to do and show you SPECIFIC EXAMPLES. And it's SIMPLE and EASY to understand. So you can put the principles to immediate use.
The benefits of site UPDATING. How often?
What NOT to do! Avoid making those errors which can cost you.
and even
How to legally "steal" your competitor's web traffic and send it
to your site. Type in your competitor's name and YOUR NAME will appear FIRST!
The material is only $19.95, and is unconditionally guaranteed to work for you. Just follow the instructions and you will find your site in the top ten too. Ordering is SAFE and EASY. For more information, or to RECEIVE this 18 page report by email just go to our INSTANT-DELIVERY SECURE order form at: (Order on line and you will receive your report in JUST 60 SECONDS.) Now that your site is up shouldn't you take this MOST IMPORTANT LAST STEP so people can find it. ****************************** UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Remember, we UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEE IT WORKS. You can't lose. ******************************** SPECIAL FREE BONUS Order within 48 hours, we and will include, AS A FREE BONUS, information on over 500 SEARCH ENGINES and directories where you can list your site for free. (Some are very specialized and targeted). SPECIAL NOTE: If you are busy and don't have time to go to our web site INSTANT-DELIVERY SECURE ORDER FORM, you can order by FAX. (The unconditional guarantee still applies!) Just fill in the FAX FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. Then FAX it to us at:
If you order by FAX your copy of the report will be sent to you by email within 24 hrs. Or, if you prefer, you can send your order with a CHECK by snail mail to the address below. (Be sure to include your email address for delivery.) Whichever method you choose to order, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! Best of luck with your web site! Leeds Publishing 5800 Overseas Hwy., St. 35-154 Marathon Key, Fl. 33050 Fax 305-289-1884 ________________________________________________________________________
FAX ORDER FORM (Please print clearly)
FAX TO: Leeds Publishing
FAX NUMBER: 1-305-289-1884
Hi: Here is my order for Search Engine Secrets at $19.95 only. I understand it is unconditionally guaranteed. Include my FREE BONUS of 500 search engines. Send by email ASAP. Date:__________________
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Copyright 1997 Leeds and Rousseau Publishing. All rights reserved.
Form 102 GD-Yahoo
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