Organized Crime Home Page - Four Horsemen, No Waiting

Cypherpunks interested in establishment scaremongering are invited to take a look at the Organized Crime Home Page (, sponsored by a group called The Committee for a Safe Society, about the world-wide threat of organized crime. Apparently every evil known to post-Cold-War society, even the bad weather in Chicago, is the responsibility of organized crime. Now you know why governments need GAK. Alan-Bob says check it out. -- Alan Bostick | [Spielberg's] latest is TWISTER, a film that | gives whole new meaning to the phrase "giant news:alt.grelb | sucking sound." -- Patrick Taggart

On Sun, 14 Jul 1996, Alan Bostick wrote:
Cypherpunks interested in establishment scaremongering are invited to take a look at the Organized Crime Home Page of organized crime. Apparently every evil known to post-Cold-War society, even the bad weather in Chicago, is the responsibility of organized crime. Now you know why governments need GAK. Alan-Bob says check it out.
I just a crack about government being organized crime, then I came across their defination: " DEFINING ORGANIZED CRIME We could define organized crime as an agreement between men to forward a common cause, using other humans as tools for advancement, without regard to the health or happiness of those "other" humans outside the group. Using humans may involve selling them as slaves, selling them as prostitutes, draining their resources with addictive drugs or gambling, extortion, theft, kidnapping, or murder. These are generally associated with organized crime, and not with "legitimate business"." ___________________________________________________________________________ Given the first paragraph, governement could _easily_ fall into such a defination, and taxes are just a little like extortion. Maybe these people aren't total loons, but I'd suggest they've read Neurmancer once too often. Petro, Christopher C. <prefered for any non-list stuff>

On Sun, 14 Jul 1996, Alan Bostick wrote:
Cypherpunks interested in establishment scaremongering are invited to take a look at the Organized Crime Home Page (, sponsored by a group called The Committee for a Safe Society, about the world-wide threat of organized crime. Apparently every evil known to post-Cold-War society, even the bad weather in Chicago, is the responsibility of organized crime. Now you know why governments need GAK.
Well, they are wrong. The bad weather in Chicago is the governments fault. Ok, that counts as organized crime... --Chicago, the only city in the world where the wind hits you from 3 directions at once. Petro, Christopher C. <prefered for any non-list stuff>
participants (2)
Alan Bostick