167 business and financial reports -53016
//////////////////////////////////////////////////// If you wish to be removed from this advertiser's future mailings, please reply with the subject "Remove" and this software will automatically block you from their future mailings. /////////////////////////////////////////////////// To: ENTREPRENEUR From: REGINALD J. WILLIAMS Subject: 167 BUSINESS REPORTS I WILL SEND YOU A POWERFUL, MONEY-MAKING COMPUTER DISK AND A SPECIAL REPORT ENTITLED "HOW TO MAKE $100,000 IN 100 DAYS". YOU JUST PAY $10.00 FOR YOUR ONE-TIME REGISTRATION FEE AND SHIPPING COST. Dear Entrepreneur: In the most recent "Richest People In America" survey published by Forbes Magazine, the richest man in America IS NOT in the real estate business. He IS NOT an oil tycoon, and he DOES NOT own an airline or an automobile company. The richest man in America is Bill Gates, with an estimated net worth of around 29.9 BILLION. His business: COMPUTER SOFTWARE. Bill Gates founded Microsoft, the largest computer software company on planet Earth. This is clear proof that the "computer revolution" is finally here, bringing exceptional opportunities that are creating millionaires out of ordinary people like me and you every day. Recently, I received in the mail this computer disk which contains 167 business and financial reports which I can sell to people for around $1.00 to $5.00 per report. That's quite attractive considering that the disk contains 167 reports. However, for me that was like trying to peddle bananas by the piece, and I didn't get to excited with the idea. HOWEVER, WHEN THE COMPANY WHO DEVELOPED THE DISK, SAID THAT I CAN ACTUALLY MAKE EXACT COPIES OF THE DISK, AND SELL THEM TO OTHER PEOPLE AT ANY PRICE I WANT, I KNEW THAT I HIT THE JACKPOT. You see, selling how to reports and information by mail is an old and established business. What's new is the way information is being packaged, sold and delivered. From ordinary paper and ink (printed format) to computer floppy disks (electronic format), INFORMATION HAS GONE HIGH-TECH. So here's what I will do for you when registering for my "computer disk business package"... upon receipt of your $10.00 one-time only registration fee, I will send you the following: 1. A high density 3.5" computer disk which contains all 167 business and financial reports. 2. A sample sales letter and sample camera - ready print ads which you can use to get people to order copies of the reports & the disk from you. 3. A step-by-step plan on how and where to make copies of this disk, and how to get people to order copies of the disk - direct from you- and pay you anywhere from $20.00 to $49.00 each (you set your own price.) 4. Most importantly A Duplication License which grants you the right to reproduce copies of the disk and the printed materials that come with it. Please include $10.00 cash, check, or money order (U.S.Funds Only). If you would like to receive your package via Priority Mail, please add $4.00 (total of $14.00). PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO SEND IN THIS OFFER. IT IS SUCH A SMALL INVESTMENT FOR THE KNOW-HOW, EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL REWARDS YOU WILL GAIN THROUGH THIS PACKAGE. ALSO ALL ORDERS RECEIVED, WILL RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF ENVELOPE FOR WINDOWS, (A $29.95 VALUE). AN EXCELLENT RATED ENVELOPE ADDRESSING PROGRAM. (SPECIFY LASER OR DOT MATRIX) LASER___ OTHER____ SEND ORDER AND REGISTRATION FEE TO: REGINALD J. WILLIAMS POST OFFICE BOX 42091 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22407-2091 (540) 972-0903 ________________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM NAME_____________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________APT# CITY____________________________STATE___________ POSTAL ZIP+4__________________ SPECIFY DISK SIZE 3.5____ 5.25______ IBM PC COMPATIBLE ONLY SPECIAL OFFER: Free INTERNET advertising !!! Free with your purchase of 167 Business and Financial Reports, 3 months of INTERNET advertising- your 40 word classified ad will be included in an electronic magazine (e-mag) for entrepreneurs. Your ad can contain any ad content you wish, and will run for a minimum of 3 months absolutely free. This alone can save you hundreds of dollars on ad placement, so act today free ads will only be offered for a limited time. THANKS RJW SPECIAL 1\2 PRICE SALE ; PURCHASE WITHIN 72 HOURS AND PAY ONLY $5.00 FOR YOUR COMPLETE PACKAGE GET Paid for your SPAM! New and HOT. Signed up over 250 the first day. Now you can profit with "SPAM" Bulk email with no risk, and make a small fortune at the same time! THIS ONE IS A NO-BRAINER! Really, Check it out http://wasi.com/spamaddress/info.idc?reg=1953 PRELAUNCH !! HOT !! HOT OFF THE PRESSES!! Secure your position Now.. Free sign up with Free Self-Replicating Webpages for your Downline. Awesome Opportunity for '98. Join now in my website and ask questions later.. It is FREE. Please browse and sign up at; http://globalads.com/gfn-prelaunch/rjwilliams
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