Welcome to the Cypherpunks Distributed Remailer. This mailing list is sponsored by The Armadillo Group and other indipendant operators. The purpose of this mailing list is to explore the frontier of cryptography, civil liberty, economics, and related issues. This is a very high traffic mailing list. Several members of the mailing list are involved in various types of events through the year. Participation by members of the list does not construe any support or affilliation with the mailing list. Contact the author of all works obtained through the remailer network. They retain original rights. Please let others know about this mailing list, the more the merrier! To subscribe to the CDR you should contact the individual operators as conditions at each remailer site may be quite different. To subscribe through SSZ you should send a note to list@ssz.com or send an email to majordomo@ssz.com with 'subscribe cypherpunks email_address' in the body. If you have questions or problems contact list@ssz.com There may be local groups of members who have regular (or not) meetings in order to discuss the various issues and projects appropriate to their individual membership. These groups generaly announce their meetings via the CDR. Please feel free to make appropriate announcements of activity in your area. Austin Cypherpunks
participants (1)