FYI: Who owns Sen. Kerrey (LONG)

Actually the profile doesn't look too evil. One wonders who's pushing him on this, since he doesn't come across asa crypto expert ;) Below is from the Project Vote Smart pages... Senator J. Robert 'Bob' Kerrey Performance Evaluations by Special Interest Groups How to Interpret These Evaluations These evaluations are in percentage form. They represent the percentage of time that the incumbent voted with that organization's preferred positions on a number of votes that they identified as key in their issue area. Remember, by definition, these r atings by special interest groups are biased. They do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than selecting votes based solely on issue concerns. However, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes over a year's time, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Descriptions of the organizations offering p erformance evaluations are available. Project Vote Smart collects performance evaluations from ALL special interest groups who provide them. If there is a group you that feel is missing from our database, either they do not compile performance evaluations, they would not allow Project Vote Smart to distribute them, or we are unaware of the fact that the group does ratings. Please let us know if you think we are missing a group's ratings and we will contact the group immediately. A final note: The clearest way to read these percentages is, "In [year], the X YZ organization gave Senator/Representative X an 80% rating. That means that on votes they identified as key in their issue area during that time period, he/she voted with the group's preferred position 80% of the time." The exception to this is the evaluation done by the National Taxpayers Union, which represents how often a representative or senator voted to decrease, or not increase, spending. Performance Evaluations by Special Interest Groups Issue Area Year Percentage Evaluating Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abortion/FamPln 1991 20 Justlife Education Fund (Abortion) Abortion/FamPln 1993-1996 100 Planned Parenthood Abortion/FamPln 1996 0 National Right to Life Committee Abortion/FamPln 1996 100 National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action Business 1995-1996 41 National Federation of Independent Business Business 1996 10 Business-Industry Political Action Committee Business 1996 23 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Children 1995 89 Children's Defense Fund Chr.Fam. Issues 1991-1992 9 Christian Voice Chr.Fam. Issues 1995-1996 8 Christian Coalition Civil Rts/Lib 1991-1992 55 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Civil Rts/Lib 1993-1994 80 Human Rights Campaign Fund Civil Rts/Lib 1995-1996 67 National Association for the Advancement of C Civil Rts/Lib 1995-1996 90 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Civil Rts/Lib 1996 47 American Civil Liberties Union Conservative 1995-1996 21 Conservative Index Conservative 1996 5 American Conservative Union Consumers 1996 79 Consumer Federation of America Contractors 1995 17 Associated Builders & Contractors Crime 1995-1996 60 Citizens United for Rehabilition of Errants Defense/Foreign 1991 60 JustLife Education Fund (Arms Reduction) Defense/Foreign 1991 62 Professional's Coalition for Nuclear Arms Con Defense/Foreign 1993-1994 30 American Security Council Defense/Foreign 1995 60 Campaign for U.N. Reform Defense/Foreign 1995 92 Peace Action Defense/Foreign 1996 82 Council for a Livable World Economic Policy 1991 80 JustLife Education Fund (Economic Policy) Economic Policy 1994 20 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Totals) Economic Policy 1995 20 The Libertarian Party - Economic Freedom Economic Policy 1996 23 The Republican Liberty Caucus Education 1993-1994 73 American Federation of Teachers Education 1995 83 National Education Association Education 1995-1996 91 U.S. Student Association Env./consumer 1995-1996 67 U.S. Public Interest Research Group Environment 1994 11 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Environment Environment 1995-1996 74 League of Conservation Voters Environment 1995-1996 100 Fund For Animals Farm 1991-1992 50 National Farmers Organization Farm 1993 56 National Farmers Union Farm 1993-1994 67 American Farm Bureau Federation Farm 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Agriculture Gun Issues 1993-1994 0 National Rifle Association Gun Issues 1993-1994 100 Handgun Control, Inc Health 1995-1996 89 AIDS Action Council Health 1996 93 American Public Health Association Immigration 1996 30 American Immigration Control Immigration 1996 50 Federation for American Immigration Reform-Se Labor 1989 100 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League Labor 1989-1990 100 National Federation of Federal Employees Labor 1991 67 American Postal Workers Union Labor 1994 90 United Food & Commercial Workers Labor 1995 30 Transportation Communications Union Labor 1995 62 Communications Workers of America Labor 1995 62 The Teamsters Labor 1995 75 AFL-CIO Labor 1995 85 United Auto Workers Labor 1996 75 American Federation of Government Employees Labor 1996 100 American Federation of State, County & Munici Liberal 1995-1996 81 Public Citizen's Congress Watch Liberal 1995-1996 85 National Committee for an Effective Congress Liberal 1996 85 Americans for Democratic Action Libertarian 1995 35 The Libertarian Party - Combined Score Populist 1995 30 Liberty Lobby Poverty 1996 100 Bread for the World Property 1995-1996 20 League of Private Property Voters Regulation 1994 29 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Deregulatio Seniors 1995 80 National Council of Senior Citizens Seniors 1995-1996 30 The 60 Plus Association Seniors 1995-1996 80 National Association of Retired Federal Emplo Seniors 1995-1996 86 National Committee to Preserve Social Securit Social Policy 1991 40 National Association of Social Workers Social Policy 1995 50 The Libertarian Party - Personal Freedom Social Policy 1995 87 Network Social Policy 1995-1996 77 Friends Comm. on Nat'l Leg. (Senate) Social Policy 1996 44 The Republican Liberty Caucus Social Policy 1996 100 Zero Population Growth Taxes/Spending 1991-1992 17 National Tax-Limitation Committee Taxes/Spending 1994 0 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Taxes) Taxes/Spending 1994 14 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Budget) Taxes/Spending 1994 15 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Spending) Taxes/Spending 1995 28 Citizens Against Government Waste Taxes/Spending 1995 35 National Taxpayers Union Taxes/Spending 1995 60 Concord Coalition Trade 1994 50 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Trade) Veterans 1989-1990 50 Vietnam Veterans of America Women 1989-1990 95 National Women's Political Caucus Women 1993 100 The Woman Activist (Senate) Women 1995-1996 25 Concerned Women for America Women 1995-1996 86 American Association of University Women Senator Kerrey | Nebraska Directory | 105th Congress Directory Project Vote Smart 129 NW 4th Street, Suite 204, Corvallis, OR 97330 Phone 541-754-2746 Fax 541-754-2747 Comments? Questions? E-mail us at Senator Bob Kerrey Sources of Campaign Funding The information in this section was provided by the Center for Responsive Politics and the National Library on Money and Politics. You can read a summary of the laws and procedures governing campaign financing which comes from their book Open Secrets. Another good reference is Supporting Federal Candidates -- A guide for citizens from the Federal Election Commission, July 1994. On-line at PoliticsUSA. FULL CYCLE DATA - 01/01/1989 - 12/31/1994 Net Receipts: ..................................... $5,006,236 Net PAC Contributions: ............................ $1,556,633 Net Individual Contributions: ..................... $3,290,334 The figures below represent Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions by industry and sector. Agriculture: ...................................... $268,605 Agricultural Services & Products........ $84,180 Crop Production & Basic Processing...... $63,425 Food Processing & Sales................. $43,000 Dairy................................... $27,000 Tobacco................................. $22,500 Livestock............................... $17,500 Poultry & Eggs.......................... $11,000 Commodity Brokers & Dealers............. $0 Forestry & Forest Products.............. $0 Miscellaneous Agriculture............... $0 Construction & Public Works: ...................... $20,850 Home Builders........................... $16,100 Construction Services................... $3,500 Building Materials & Equipment.......... $1,250 General Contractors..................... $0 Special Trade Contractors............... $0 Communication & Electronics: ...................... $113,600 Telephone Utilities..................... $65,300 Cable TV................................ $20,000 TV & Movie Production/Distribution...... $14,000 Telecom Services & Equipment............ $6,300 Printing & Publishing................... $4,000 Recorded Music Production............... $2,000 Computer Equipment & Services........... $2,000 Electronics Mfg & Services.............. $0 Misc. Communications & Electronics...... $0 Defense: .......................................... $87,720 Defense Aerospace....................... $49,500 Defense Electronics..................... $28,720 Miscellaneous Defense................... $9,500 Energy & Natural Resources: ....................... $62,005 Electric Utilities...................... $25,755 Oil & Gas............................... $23,250 Waste Management........................ $8,500 Miscellaneous Energy.................... $3,500 Mining.................................. $1,000 Environmental Services & Equipment...... $0 Nuclear Energy.......................... $0 Fisheries & Wildlife.................... $0 Commercial Fishing...................... $0 Hunting................................. $0 Finance, Insurance & Real Estate: ................. $250,060 Insurance............................... $87,050 Securities & Investment................. $65,925 Commerical Banks........................ $57,475 Accountants............................. $20,150 Real Estate............................. $8,710 Miscellaneous Finance................... $7,000 Savings & Loans......................... $2,750 Credit Unions........................... $1,000 Finance & Credit Companies.............. $0 Miscellaneous Business: ........................... $62,905 Retail Sales............................ $20,931 Beer, Wine & Liquor..................... $12,474 Food & Beverage......................... $8,500 Business Services....................... $8,000 Casinos & Gambling...................... $3,500 Miscellaneous Services.................. $2,000 Miscellaneous Business.................. $2,000 Textiles................................ $2,000 Chemical & Related Manufacturing........ $1,000 Misc Manufacturing & Distributing....... $1,000 Lodging & Tourism....................... $1,000 Business Associates..................... $500 Recreation & Live Entertainment......... $0 Steel Production........................ $0 Health: ........................................... $171,049 Health Professionals.................... $79,500 Hospitals & Nursing Homes............... $52,000 Pharmaceuticals & Health Products....... $33,799 Health Services......................... $5,750 Miscellaneous Health.................... $0 Lawyers & Lobbyists: .............................. $63,476 Lawyers & Lobbyists..................... $63,476 Transportation: ................................... $76,850 Air Transport........................... $33,500 Railroads............................... $26,850 Automotive.............................. $7,000 Sea Transport........................... $6,500 Trucking................................ $3,000 Miscellaneous Transport................. $0 Labor Union: ...................................... $250,050 Building Trades & Industrial Unions..... $111,500 Transportation Unions................... $68,000 Public Sector Unions.................... $52,050 Miscellaneous Unions.................... $18,500 Ideological/Single-Issue: ......................... $120,963 Pro-Israel.............................. $73,000 Democrat/Liberal........................ $15,500 Human Rights............................ $10,500 Abortion Policy......................... $10,000 Leadership PACs......................... $4,653 Miscellaneous Issues.................... $3,500 Foreign & Defense Policy................ $2,810 Gun Rights/Gun Control.................. $1,000 Republican/Conservative................. $0 Womens Issues........................... $0 Other: ............................................ $2,000 Other................................... $1,000 Education............................... $1,000 Civil Servants & Public Officials....... $0 Non-Profit Institutions................. $0 Retired................................. $0 Unknown: .......................................... $0 Unknown................................. $0 Homemakers/Non-income earners........... $0 No Employer Listed or Found............. $0 Generic Occupation/Category Unknown..... $0 Employer Listed/Category Unknown........ $0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTIAL CYCLE DATA - 01/01/1995 - 06/30/1995 Net Receipts: ..................................... $116,890 Net PAC Contributions: ............................ $43,500 Net Individual Contributions: ..................... $21,175 Net Candidate Contributions: ...................... $0 Net Other Contributions: .......................... $52,215 Net Spent: ........................................ $125,359 Ending Cash: ...................................... $7,834 Debts Owed: ....................................... $0 This information is brought to you by Project Vote Smart Senator Bob Kerrey | Nebraska Directory | 104th Congress Directory | Vote Smart Web
participants (2)
Declan McCullagh