(Fwd) Re: FCPUNX:Response to 'My War'

William H. Geiger III wrote:
James A Donald writes:
fAt 10:07 PM 6/9/97 -0700, se7en wrote:
Anyone who thinks this doesn't affect the young children, you are wrong. I doubt these children consented to the sexual activity. I doubt they consented to being photographed. I doubt they consented to the pictures being distributed to others.
Most of these children are adults now. A great many of them are grandmothers. Yet I see no prosecutions for the distribution of images by the supposed victims. [...] Produce a victim and you will find it a lot easier to prosecute.
See http://www.net.be/connerotte/english-text.html for the timeline of last year's child sex & porn scandal in Belgium. Some of the victims there will never bring suit: they are dead.
I think that you are missing the most important part of those articles:
The so-called "protectors of childered" ie government officials were involved in the kidnaping, rape, and pornography of children and the subsequent cover-up after the fact.
If there was ever a need for AP this is it.
Mr Donald asked people to produce victims of child porn production, and implied that unless such victims could be found, we should assume that the whole business was consensual fun. I have provided him with proof of such victims. (I'm curious to see how he'll respond). That there was (and for all I know, continues to be) high level collusion within the Belgium government to hush this up is a side issue. While the perpetrators of these atrocities should be given life without parole, I say that AP is not the answer. I object to the death penalty in all circumstances. Peter Trei trei@process.com
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Peter Trei