NWS Internet Newsletter--Complimentary Issue

__/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES *INTERNET NEWSLETTER* <tm> __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ (C) NET.WWWORTH STRATEGIES ------- Week of May 20, 1997 _____________________________________________________________________ |_____________________________________________________________________| WELCOME to the "Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES Internet Newsletter", your Guide to Success in Marketing On the Internet! Due to prior interest in topics presented here, we have sent you this Free copy of the NWS Internet Newsletter. If for any reason you decide you do not want to continue to receive this Newsletter in the future, please see the end of this Issue for easy instructions to subscribe or un-subscribe. In future issues you will find highlights of online articles placed on the Net.WWWorth Strategies Web site designed to provide valuable information to assist you in your Home-Based Business and Online Marketing. In this issue of NWS Internet Newsletter, you will also find New Strategies that will provide you with successful "netvertising" tips and techniques. * Please Note: Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES does NOT make available its subscriber list to other companies. We value each and every subscriber and respect your privacy. _______________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> IN THIS ISSUE <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Wealth Building on the Internet! 2. PERFECT CREDIT! Free Software to Repair or Improve Your Credit! 3. Using Online Classified Advertising for FREE! (Over 2 Dozen Listing Sites you can use NOW for FREE!) ______________________________________________________________________ Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES Internet Newsletter SECTION 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WEALTH BUILDING ON THE INTERNET ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Do you know how to use email? Then you should be making money hand over fist on the Internet! Many are earning Thousands Weekly simply by using this one idea.... By the time you're finished reading this article, you'll know EXACTLY how others are doing it, and how YOU can too!
With this system you will be able to make a bundle of money on the Internet in a short time. Here's why.... The "Internet population explosion" is now under way. The actual numbers are a little hard to fathom, but here they are.... Last year in 1996 over A MILLION people per MONTH signed up with an Internet access provider! That's over 12 MILLION people per year! Even if this rate remains the same, and many expect it to increase, there will be more than 100 MILLION people online by the year 2000! So what does this mean to you? Simple. Like you, many of these 12 MILLION newcomers per year will be looking for legitimate business opportunities. They'll also be looking for specialized information that will teach them how to start and operate their own high income, online business. The fact is, there are simply just not enough sources to meet these overwhelming demands! THAT'S WHERE YOU COME IN! You can meet BOTH of these demands with this Complete "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM!" With 5,952 new people joining the Web EVERY HOUR you will never run out of people needing this valuable information to earn money from home with their computer. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE IN THIS ALL NEW Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM" IS INCREDIBLE! SEE FOR YOURSELF, AND YOU'LL AGREE! 1. "The Amazing Inside Secrets to Profitable Online Marketing". 2. "The Ultimate Business Guide to Making Money on the Internet" 3. "The Professionals Secrets of Search Engine Positioning!" We have seen similar inferior reports selling on the Internet for as much as $59. (We sell ours all day long for $9.95 without trying!) 4. Over 2000 links where you can place classified ads and promote yourself online for FREE! 5. "The Information Freeway", Profit From The Internet! A 32 page manual (In Text File Format) that will teach you everything you need to know about making money online! You Also Receive Complete and UNLIMITED Ownership Rights. This is the Informative Manual You've Been Waiting for, and You Will Own It, AND be able to RESELL It! This manual will teach you just how easy it is to use the Internet for profit! The demand for information like this is growing daily! This is a $30.00 Value. 6. "Beyond The Basics of ... INTERNET E-MAIL!" Our Brand New Updated Version for 1997 Have you ever thought about marketing your product or service on the Internet? Very wise decision! It's no secret that the Internet has recently developed into the hottest marketing medium since television! This book will answer every question you've ever had about email! (The technical issues as well as the marketing issues.) Anyone marketing a product or service on the Internet will watch their sales soar once they put this knowledge to work for them! And as your profits increase, your actual time spent working, will decline! A $30.00 Value! (36 Pages In Text File Format). 7. "Learning To Drive Your Modem!" This report will teach you how to access Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's) for Fun and Even More Profit! A $15.00 Value! 8. We Will Send You A Listing Of OVER 500 ONLINE SOURCES Where You Can Advertise Any Product Absolutely FREE!! 9. You'll Also Receive the Best Selling Book on Disc... "HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE FROM A PRODUCT YOU CAN GET FREE!" by Murry Broach This is the best book ever written about selling information by direct marketing. It leaves nothing out. It will practically take you by the hand and give you the most complete education in direct marketing that money can buy! Advertised on the Internet for $45.00! HERE'S A SMALL PORTION OF WHAT BROACH'S BOOK REVEALS: * How to project your final ad result when you have only a few days of results. * Exactly which magazines pull the most profitable response. * How a letter to your own mother could be the most profitable letter you ever write. * The single most important line in your direct mail piece and how to get it right. * How to save at least 17% on all your newspaper and magazine advertising. * How you can easily advertise FREE in Card Decks and other print ads. * The most difficult magazine in which to place an ad (this one will certainly surprise you.) * Step by Step how to write a classified ad that pulls response like crazy! * How to deal with federal and state regulatory agencies. * How to deal with the mail order rip-off artists. * Where to place a small display ad for maximum response. * A "by-product" of the mail order business that could make you as much profit as your main operation. * The one thing that will always kill a classified ad in its tracks! * The 10 best selling information subjects of all time. * How to easily DOUBLE the pull of a commission circular! 10. AND YOU ALSO RECEIVE HIS OTHER BEST SELLING BOOK ON DISK... "Revolutionary New Method of .... ADVERTISING FREE" by Murry Broach & Charles Linko THIS BOOK TEACHES YOU how to never pay for advertising again. Little known secrets about advertising on the Internet, In newsgroups, Mailing Lists and BBS's. BY ITSELF this book sells for $40.00 as Advertised on the Internet, but you get it at no additional cost! 11. The NEW Version of "Secrets of Online and Electronic Marketing" This Report (Complete - 20 Pages - In Text File Format.) is SO FULL of Useful Information that it would be worth the money at almost any price. This comprehensive guide reveals Secrets that the "Experts" hope you won't find out. The so called experts hope you Don't See this information because they want you to pay them $99.00, $200.00 or even $295.00 for the exact same material. Once You Have This Information in Your Hands You Will Have Unlocked the Secrets to Successfully Utilizing Online and Electronic Marketing. 12. And, we will also include at No Extra Cost another program, "U.S. Daily Newspapers". This will give you the names, addresses, etc., of OVER 1500 Newspapers across the United States to advertise in..
Also, You Will Receive New FREE Bonus Reports For Making More Money on the Internet and Starting Your Own Business!
13. Plus, Some Very Special Software to Create Your Very Own Information Products! This easy to use program will allow you to create your own electronic books, newsletters and order- generating reports. Upload them to the Commercial Services (AOL, CompuServe, etc.), the Internet and the thousands BBS's around the world. If it is a quality E-book or report, it will be picked up by hundreds, perhaps thousands, of other computer users and distribution points all over the world. Which could mean thousands of orders for YOU!! *** PLUS LOOK at These FREE BONUS Reports! A) "The Secrets of Internet and Online Marketing in 1997!" (Totally Different from the report title mentioned above.) B) "How to Buy and Sell Products Online!" C) "How to Advertise On The Internet!" D) "How to Be a High Paid Online Information Broker!" E) "How to Use the Major Online Services for Almost Nothing!" F) "How to Start and Operate Your Very Own Home-Based Business!" (A Complete Guide, Over 25 Pages When Printed.) G) "How to Easily Create Your Own Information Products!" H) "The Inside Secrets of Credit Repair, Online!" YOU RECEIVE ALL THIS, PLUS MORE! You won't find a more complete package anywhere! SEVEN DISKS, ALMOST 10 MEGABYTES OF INFORMATION!
SPECIAL FREE BONUS! <<< *** Also, As A Special BONUS You Will Receive A Computer Program To Make Copies Of Your New Disks FAST!
As a Special FREE BONUS you will get a FAST DISK COPYING SOFTWARE PROGRAM. You will be able to make duplicates of your new disks in about 2 minutes (maybe less) per disk, average from start to finish. Also, this program will let you format your 3 1/2" floppy disks up to 1.76 (MB's) Megabytes. Put More Files and Information on Every Disk You Have! This is an Extremely Easy Program to use. ******************************************************************** As the owner of a computer, we know that you too are asking the question of the 90's and beyond: Can You Really Make Money Online? Serious Money with My Computer...WITHOUT ANY SPECIAL TALENTS or SKILLS? THE ANSWER IS YES! Yes, to the tune of TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! Selling Information By Mail is the World's EASIEST and LOWEST-PRICED Home Business For YOU To Get Started In!!! In Today's World, One of the Hottest Selling and Most Profitable Commodities is "INFORMATION". Now You Can CA$H IN BIG With This Complete Business Package of New Software Containing Page After Page of Money-Making Information, over 1,000 reports in all!
THAT'S RIGHT! OVER 1,000 REPORTS ON DISK! (Updated for 1997)
A Few Sample Titles: 1. Survival Tips For Small Business 2. The Lazy Person's Secrets To Overnight Wealth 3. Secret's Of Getting FREE Advertising 4. Secret's Of Success With Chain Letters 5. How To Get Big Dollars In Your Mailbox Everyday 6. The Selling Secret's of Million Dollar Sales Letters 7. The Money-Maker's Guide To Easy Mail Order Riches 8. Insiders Secrets to Your Own Million $$$ Multi-Level Empire 9. Secrets Of The Richest People 10. How To Get A Visa or MasterCard With No Credit Check Plus, HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS MORE! If you have seen these reports selling on the Internet, you may have seen a similar CD-ROM with only about half as many Reports being sold for $99.95. These are the exact same Files plus many, MANY NEW ONES (Reports & Guides), except Now they're on 3 1/2" computer disks for a MUCH LOWER COST!. You WILL Receive OVER 1,000 MONEY-MAKING Reports on 3.5" disk. Each Report has been Professionally Researched and Written. OVER 8 Megabytes of Money-Making Information in Several Self-Extracting Win-Zip Files. When the Reports are printed out in 12 point type you will have... SO MANY PAGES OF INFORMATION! It Will Take You Over 2 Weeks to Read All of it. ``````````````````` IT'S YOUR CHOICE! Other Companies On The World Wide Web Are Selling some of These Same Reports For $15.00 to $50.00 Each! *Think Of The Money You Will Make!* If you have seen others selling some of these reports, or similar packages, Look No Further!
This is Your BEST MONEY-MAKING DEAL on the Internet! GUARANTEED!!!
These 7 Disks Can Bring In a HUGE INCOME When You Use Them Yourself Or Sell Them for a BIG PROFIT! 1. Use the Information on the Disks in Your Own Business or for Your Own Personal Use! Discover Money-Making & Business Tips You Never Dreamed Existed! 2. Print the Reports and Sell Them Individually for $5.00 to $25.00 Each -- or MORE!! 3. Sell Copies of Each Disk for $10.00 to $30.00 Each or Sell Them as a Complete Information Package. Disk Packages Like This Sell for OVER $100!! ********************************************************************
Here is a Summary of the Important Benefits of the <<< Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM" <<<
* UNLIMITED INCOME POTENTIAL! * No Inventory To Carry and Very Easy To Reproduce! * Extremely High Mark Up! * Easy and Inexpensive to Ship Via First Class Mail or UPS! * Ideal as a Primary Offer or as a Follow Up Offer to Existing Customers! * A Very Large Market With A MASSIVELY High Market Demand! * LOW START-UP COSTS With NO REAL COMPETITION! * You Can Operate It Anywhere and Your Income Will Last for Years! * YOU WILL RECEIVE FULL LIFETIME REPRINT AND RESELL RIGHTS!! Reprint and Resell Rights Mean That You Have FULL Authority to Sell A Particular Disk or Report. In Addition, You Also Have The Authority to Sell These Same Reproduction Rights to Others. Without Ever Paying ANY Royalties. The Profit Margin is VIRTUALLY UNLIMITED, because you purchase all this Valuable Information ONCE and sell it OVER and OVER and OVER Again! And because you own the LIFETIME Reprint Rights to these valuable reports, you can edit or alter them any way you like. Your only limits are your own imagination! Don't worry if you've never tried selling information reports before. The INSIDER SECRETS revealed in the Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM" will teach you everything you'll ever need to know to SUCCEED on the Net! In fact, the information ALONE, without any reprint rights, is worth hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars! We think you'll be amazed by the Quality of these Books, Reports and Guides. Just follow these Proven Money-Making techniques and Orders Will Begin to FLOOD your mailbox with CA$H !! ************************************************************************ OK--Let's get down to the nitty gritty! I'm sure you're thinking, "O.K. Sounds good, but how much is this gonna set me back financially?" You've seen what others are charging for information that's not nearly as comprehensive as this...$200? $150? or even $75? >>> Well, Prepare To Be Shocked! <<< This Entire INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM IS ONLY $59.95* * This Package is normally $59.95, but because so many of our subscribers and others have emailed Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES asking us for information on marketing online, we are running the following Special with this one-time-only test-market. This SYSTEM will teach YOU EVERYTHING we are doing, and how YOU can be SUCCESSFUL at it, too! So how about a SPECIAL TEMPORARY PRICE of ONLY *** $39.95!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> YES!!! ONLY $39.95 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
That is ONE THIRD OFF the regular low price! You save TWENTY DOLLARS!
!!!!!NOTE==> See ORDER FORM Below for temporary SPECIAL PRICE!!!!! We're making this Entire SYSTEM available for JUST $29.95-- That's HALF OFF!!! (This is not our regular offer. This offer is only effective through the last week of May '97!) ORDER NOW!
*** ALSO See ORDER FORM for Special Bonus Disk Offer! ***
A few people have told us this whole thing sounds too good to be true! Well I assure it's not! But you don't have to take our word for it. Here are some recent customer comments from new NETrepreneurs who ordered their SYSTEM just a few weeks ago.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for the "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM!" I had the hardest time putting it down until I had read (or at least looked at) almost all of the reports. There is so much valuable information here! I've owned the SYSTEM for only three weeks now and I already have sold lots of copies. Almost everyone I sent the Sales Letter your information taught me how to write has bought the Package! I plan on making a ton of money with this over the next few months! Thanks for this amazing opportunity!
Mike Stratton, UT
Thank You Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES!
I followed your SYSTEM exactly as you taught me to, and within 10 days from receiving my package, I have made 37 sales! This system is INCREDIBLE! I can't wait to see just how much MORE amazing the results are going to be, for me AND my customers!
Doug Lewis, WI
TAKE ACTION and SEE some RESULTS FOR YOURSELF! Whether you're anxious to use the information for yourself, or to market and resell the product the way the SYSTEM teaches you to do, IT'S TIME TO TAKE YOUR CURRENT SUCCESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL! Even if you sell only ONE SYSTEM, you've broken even! Everything after that is PURE PROFIT! Remember: Others Are Selling Inferior Information for Hundreds of Dollars More, and Our Program is Priceless! Yet it Can be Yours For Only $39.95! Now that you know what you stand to gain, let's consider what you have to risk. "Just $39.95," I hear you say?--Wrong!!! This is a totally RISK FREE opportunity! We offer a 30 DAY FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! If for any reason you feel that this opportunity is not for you, simply return the SYSTEM for an IMMEDIATE REFUND! NO QUESTIONS ASKED! ..And remember, not only will you be learning the most up to date information about making money online, you'll also be teaching others how to succeed! (And making money in the process!) TAKE ACTION NOW! You have NO RISK, and UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY to succeed! ===================================================================== _____________________________________________________________________ Ordering the New Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES INTERNET WEALTH- BUILDING SYSTEM is easy! You can send your order by: Email, FAX, or Post-Mail Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES accepts: Personal Checks, Money Orders, "Quick Check" Checks by FAX, VISA and MASTERCARD \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
--Print this form-- --ORDER FORM-- --cut here--
Your information: Please fill in completely. NAME________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________ CITY____________________________STATE________ZIP____________ E-MAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________ (You will receive E-mail confirmation the day your order is received.) TELEPHONE # _____________________________(required for personal checks) To Order, CHECK ONE: _________ I am ordering within 3 DAYS from receiving my Complimentary Issue of the "NWS Internet Newsletter." Please include me in this exclusive Test-Market Special and send me the complete "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM" AND ALL of the FREE Bonus Reports... for the Incredible Price of only $39.95 + $5.95 S&H within the U.S. and Canada ($45.90 total) $39.95 + $8.95 S&H outside the U.S. and Canada ($48.90 total)
***Disregard Above Price! Temporarily only $29.95 + 5.95 S&H = $35.90 total!!! HALF OFF THE REGULAR PRICE -- GOOD ONLY IF ORDERED BY MARCH 31!!!
_________ I am ordering after the 3 DAY period. Send me the complete "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM" for $59.95 + $5.95 S&H. ($65.90 total) _________ Please send me The Bonus Disk ...for ONLY an additional $15. BONUS DISK contains 50,000 Responsive email addresses of Online Opportunity Seekers (normally priced at $79.95.) AND The DeskTop Money Machine (normally priced at $24.95.) ... ALL for ONLY an additional $15. Send Payment for AMOUNT SELECTED ABOVE. ******************************************************************** METHOD of PAYMENT: _________ Check (by Postal Mail) _________ VISA _________ Check by FAX (QuickChex) _________ MASTERCARD _________ Money Order For Credit Card Orders... Name as it appears on card__________________________________________ Credit Card Account Number__________________________________________ Exp. Date_____________Signature_____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ * Please make check or money order payable to: Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES Email orders to: mailto:NWS@net-wwworth.com OR FAX your order to: Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES (608) 825-3403 OR Postmail order to: Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES 4514 Monona Drive, Suite 490 Madison, WI 53716 *** NOTICE! PLEASE Remember to E-mail us with your Name and Shipping Address to let us know you are placing an order. In the Subject Line Put: "INTERNET WEALTH BUILDING SYSTEM" We will have Your Package Ready to Mail Out PRIORITY MAIL to you the day we receive it. We want to make sure You to Get Your Order as Fast as Possible. E-mail us at==> mailto:NWS@net-wwworth.com /=====================================================\ *** If Faxing your payment by "Quick Check" ... 1. Please tape completed check here ==> 2. Fax this Order Form to (608) 825-3403. (your account will be charged electronically.) \======================================================/ We are always available by E-Mail for Complete FREE Consultation. We Want to Help You Succeed in Marketing YOUR Business Online. We will help you in any way we can to assist you in reaching your goals. The Opportunity Is Yours, Why Not Make Some MONEY With Your Personal Computer! It's Easy, Fun, and Very, Very Profitable!!! THE MARKET IS HERE - TODAY! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT! NOW! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES Internet Newsletter SECTION 2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PERFECT CREDIT! Free Software to Repair or Improve Your Credit! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Download for FREE <<<
a valuable software program to help you improve and secure an excellent credit rating!
FREE SOFTWARE ***The Inside Secrets of Credit Repair!*** Everything you need to repair your own credit. FOR FREE! Learn about your rights to dispute credit report statements that are: inaccurate, out dated, don't belong to you or can't be verified! (FACT: one third of ALL credit profile entries are INACCURATE!) * Use this program to obtain your credit report. * Have at your disposal pre-written, proven effective dispute statements. * Learn how to start fresh with a AAA Credit Report. * Learn how to use your Federally granted legal rights to challenge negative entries in your credit profile. This Credit Repair program will guide you through the steps necessary to restore your credit rating LEGALLY, and with the least amount of effort and cost! FREE SOFTWARE ***The Inside Secrets of Credit Repair!*** Everything you need to repair your own credit. FOR FREE! CLICK HERE ==> ftp://gen.com/pub/wwworth/CreditRepair.exe \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES Internet Newsletter SECTION 3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using Online Classified Advertising for FREE (Over A Dozen Ad Sites you can use NOW for FREE!) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ by: Morgan Westerman Hello fellow "Net-reprepreneur" In the time you've been using the Internet, you've possibly responded to an Online Classified Ad, or perhaps you've placed an Ad on the WWW or with Newsgroups. Maybe you're like I was a few months ago, and are fairly new to the Internet--so maybe you haven't yet learned how powerful the 'Net can be for whatever business you're in. I'd like to pass on something to you for FREE that I wish someone had shared with me several months ago when I was just getting started advertiszing online. You already know classified ads work, but where do you place them on the Internet to get the best responses? And where are the FREE ones with no strings attached? Did you even know they exist? *** Here is a listing of over A DOZEN SITES where you can place *** FREE CLASSIFIED ADS on the Internet! I am using almost all of them myself...and am glad to say I will earn over $12,000. this month (May) from business generated from ads such as the ones I've placed on these sites. And they're all FREE! Good Luck! ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ***** Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES TOP 10 FREE Classified Ads Sites ****** 1. http://www.gatewayads.com/index.html --- The Cyber Shopping Centre 2. http://www1.clearlight.com/~abotaleb/classifieds/index.html - Entr 3. http://www.netimages.com/classifieds.html ------------- Net Images 4. http://peoplesmarket.com/ ---------------- The Peoples Marketplace 5. http://www.americanet.com/Classified ------------------ Americanet 6. http://www.inetexchange.com/submit.htm --------- The Inet Exchange 7. http://www.icemall.com/allabout/links.html --------------- Icemall 8. http://www.1second.com//index.htm ------------------- 1 Second.com 9. http://ep.com/ -------------------------------------------- E-Page 10. http://www.jetcity.com/~perfect/welcome.html -------- Business Opp _______________________________________________________________________ PLUS a few MORE!!! * http://www.freeclassifieds.com/ * http://webcom.com/abc/abchome.html * http://www.dollarads.com --------- FREE for the first week * http://www.bargain-classifieds.com * http://www.comcorner.com/ *** This one, from the Top 10 List above is a One-Stop index of OVER 90 of the best Classified Ad Sites on the Internet! *** http://www.icemall.com/allabout/links.html ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Note: Every one of these Free Classifieds Sites is effectively operational and responsive as of 5-20-97. There are many more sites that have Free Classified Ads, but I have eliminated many that do not maintain their site well or generate significant traffic. This list of highly effective Classified Ad Sites has taken me many, many hours over several months to compile and qualify. I hope you can put this list to good use. I can tell you...Free Ads work! If you would like more information about the STRATEGIES I am using so successfully, or other helpful pointers on advertising and marketing online, please feel free to contact me personally at Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES. STRATEGIES. I wish you success! Sincerely, Morgan D. Westerman President -- Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES mailto:admin@net-wwworth.com \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _____________________________________________________________________ |_____________________________________________________________________| (C) NET.WWWORTH STRATEGIES ------- Week of May 20, 1997 To SUBSCRIBE to the "Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES Internet Newsletter," and receive your FREE bi-weekly copy filled with valuable information... mailto:newsletter@net-wwworth.com with "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject. to UNSUBSCRIBE, mailto:newsletter@net-wwworth.com with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject. The Staff at Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES would like to thank you for taking the time to share a few of our STRATEGIES for SUCCESS. We Wish you the BEST of WEALTH and PROSPERITY! * Note - This electronic newsletter is Copyright (C)1997, Net.WWWorth STRATEGIES. No portion may be altered or reproduced without prior written consent from the publisher.
participants (1)