Re: 1996 Wiretap Report

Eric Blossom <> may have written:
(2) In the past 11 years (1986 - 1996) a total of 9,912 intercept applications were approved. Of that number 5 (five!) were for "Arson, explosives, and weapons." Unless they've classified wiretaps against "suspected terrorists" in the "Other" category, it looks as if the LEOs don't think (targeted) wiretaps are useful for stopping small groups of modestly skilled people bent on blowing things up. No Shit.
Hmmm. :-) I guess the spook angle is to ensure that those are <cringe>well targetted</cringe> wiretaps - targetting based on intelligence, which is probably not the same as legal intercept... Jack. --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------
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Jack Flap