Re: Jim Bell Complaint

William Geiger wrote:
After reading the complaint I have to say that with friends like that who needs enemies?
True, if that's what the friends actually said, and if they were not induced to do so by being fed lethal information: don't go down with Bell, protect yourself, spill your guts. Recall that John Painter spoke to one or more of them and they hedged the remarks of the complaint, but he, too, saw the makings of a deal in the affadavit's allegations. Turning friends against friends is pretty common in investigations, using threats and promises of relief from possible charges, even saying that your friend is squealing on you. I was struck by how similar some remarks attributed to Bell were to those attributed to McVeigh, not that they were not made, but that the investigators chose to select just those to indicate lethal intent. The possible link between the McVeigh trial and Jim Bell's bust could indicate how the feds are itching to attack every advocate of anti-gov mayhem (no pun Tim). The IRS searching the Internet for incriminating advocacy is a warning of what's to come, as often predicted here. Time to study and ponder the 1st Amend -- which, by the way, Matt Blaze did at the NYC crypto forum last night to challenge Charney and Denning. Matt pulled out a copy and cited it, which may be a good indication of what he knows that we don't about what's coming.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <>, on 05/23/97 at 07:13 PM, John Young <> said:
Time to study and ponder the 1st Amend -- which, by the way, Matt Blaze did at the NYC crypto forum last night to challenge Charney and Denning. Matt pulled out a copy and cited it, which may be a good indication of what he knows that we don't about what's coming.
I found it quite troubling the number of legal activities that were cited in the complaint as if they were illegal. - -- Possesion of "assault weapons" - -- Possession of documents on explosives - -- Possession of documents on poisons - -- Possession of documents on biological agents - -- Possession of documents regarding the adverse affects of carbon fibers on electrical equipment. All of the above "crimes" I am guilty of as: Thanks to the 2nd amendment it is still legal in this country to own a gun. If I recall right when "assault weapon" became a popular Washington buzz word it referred to any semi-automatic weapon. Documentation on explosives, poisons, and biological agents can be found in numerous text books & articles on chemistry, engineering, biology, and medical sciences. Due to my schooling and work in both the engineering & medical fields I have an entire wall of my office covered with such books and articles. I don't posess any documents on carbon fibers but I would think that it is obvious to anyone with an IQ greater than their shoe size (or that of an IRS agent) that electronic equipment introduced to copper coated fibers are not long for this world. :) - -- - ----------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. Finger for PGP Key and other info - ----------------------------------------------------------- Tag-O-Matic: This marks Logical End-Of-Message. Physical EOM follows -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBM4ZZII9Co1n+aLhhAQFKBwP8CAjnfLdnA6Qw2h2e64zgsnojlvkzj7qR Lmh/5b2KjSgUiCFAZEzQjQ7obEWkUGxNscad2IUzNicOGPlGWfaNQg67UZCXq3kY FjOcRcpOMV3032XWpPqkdQmKNRH9PZVGOntSXJyC2Uhj4yDgDMEbjuTQvxyYr34C L6JO5E1Liq4= =Kkcu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

At 9:13 PM -0400 5/23/97, John Young wrote:
Time to study and ponder the 1st Amend -- which, by the way, Matt Blaze did at the NYC crypto forum last night to challenge Charney and Denning. Matt pulled out a copy and cited it, which may be a good indication of what he knows that we don't about what's coming.
When I was in high school, about 30 years ago, much was made of a alleged public opinion survey in which Americans on the street were asked what they thought of a document they were shown. According to the story, a majority thought the document was some kind of leftist, communist, illegal propaganda. Obviously you all know what document they were shown. --Tim May There's something wrong when I'm a felon under an increasing number of laws. Only one response to the key grabbers is warranted: "Death to Tyrants!" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^1398269 | black markets, collapse of governments. "National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- on or about 970523:2113 John Young <> expostulated: +Time to study and ponder the 1st Amend -- which, by the way, Matt Blaze +did at the NYC crypto forum last night to challenge Charney and +Denning. Matt pulled out a copy and cited it, which may be a good +indication of what he knows that we don't about what's coming. not only the gawd-awful truth, but the gawd-awful _fear_. Bubba's hypocrasy at U. Conn will shortly be proved in spades as the first amendment falls " the interest of national security...." or the evidence of NWMBs (New World Mega Business) with the impending transfer of the US Patent office into a private enterprise for the more expedient rape, pillage, and burn of development by NWMBs. Government in the sunshine is a hoax --our so called government, a government of greed and power, can not afford our sunshine. ______________________________________________________________________ Surveillance is ultimately just another form of entertainment. ______________________________________________________________________ "attila" 1024/C20B6905/23 D0 FA 7F 6A 8F 60 66 BC AF AE 56 98 C0 D7 B0 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: latin1 Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be iQCVAwUBM4kxf704kQrCC2kFAQEu1wQAojdOhDZdiFlX6mStOmGN+4tXcqHI6lCs GWrkZUeRK726lXq1RlxPSMF7zJOTjJsrISxpG1oWRONhwW1qOospYTdWyI3U8q6w ZJCeGCelckHcqCOSirieolMxZv2K3dWv3ZZTv3CJ718Yv9XYVPo3oCBrayV7t+Pf 5Tt2//o8ffM= =lvqZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
participants (4)
Attila T. Hun
John Young
Tim May
William H. Geiger III