Dr. Dobbs Cryptography and Security CD-ROM

While reading the latest issue of Dr. Dobbs, I found something of interest... Dr. Dobbs Essential Books on Cryptography and Security CD-ROM Price $99.95 Includes the following books: -- Applied Cryptology, Cryptographic Protocols, and Computer Security Models by Richard Demillo -- Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Second Edition by Bruce Schneier -- Contemporary Cryptology: The Science of Information Integrity edited by Gustavus J. Simmons -- Cryptography and Data Security by Dourthy Denning -- Cryptography: A New Dimension in Computer Data Security by Carl Meyer -- Cryptography: Theory and Practice by Douglas Stinson -- Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Paul C. Van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, and Alfred Menezes -- Military Cryptanalysis, Volumes I-IV by William Friedman -- "RSA Laboratories FAQ on Cryptography," "RSA Labratories Technical Reports," "RSA Laboratories Security Bullitens," and "CryptoBytes Newsletter". The CD-ROM also boasts having a search engine. (No indication as to what OS. Probably Wintel only.) It is supposed to be shipping in July. It is only available to US customers. Phone orders: 1-800-992-0549 E-mail: orders@mfi.com Fax: 913-841-2624 Mail: Dr. Dobbs CD-ROM Library 1601 West 23rd St, Ste. 200 Lawrence, KS 66046-2703 [Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Dr. Dobbs other than being a subscriber.] I plan on getting it as it has at least one book I have been planning on buying that costs about what the CD-ROM runs... I will tell people how good it is when I get it. --- | "That'll make it hot for them!" - Guy Grand | |"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer: | | mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!" | Ignore the man | |`finger -l alano@teleport.com` for PGP 2.6.2 key | behind the keyboard.| | http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com/~alan/ |alan@ctrl-alt-del.com|

Dr. Dobbs Essential Books on Cryptography and Security CD-ROM Price $99.95
[juicy book list]
It is only available to US customers.
Bum! Would anyone care to "remail" me one? (I'll pay). Adam -- Have *you* exported RSA today? --> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/ print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc`

I've been working on this one. It looks like a really great deal. The cost should be reasonable. And I hope nobody posts the text, or the publishers won't ever do it again. At 12:56 PM -0500 6/29/97, Alan Olsen wrote:
While reading the latest issue of Dr. Dobbs, I found something of interest...
Dr. Dobbs Essential Books on Cryptography and Security CD-ROM Price $99.95
Includes the following books:
-- Applied Cryptology, Cryptographic Protocols, and Computer Security Models by Richard Demillo
-- Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Second Edition by Bruce Schneier
-- Contemporary Cryptology: The Science of Information Integrity edited by Gustavus J. Simmons
-- Cryptography and Data Security by Dourthy Denning
-- Cryptography: A New Dimension in Computer Data Security by Carl Meyer
-- Cryptography: Theory and Practice by Douglas Stinson
-- Handbook of Applied Cryptography by Paul C. Van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone, and Alfred Menezes
-- Military Cryptanalysis, Volumes I-IV by William Friedman
-- "RSA Laboratories FAQ on Cryptography," "RSA Labratories Technical Reports," "RSA Laboratories Security Bullitens," and "CryptoBytes Newsletter".
The CD-ROM also boasts having a search engine. (No indication as to what OS. Probably Wintel only.)
It is supposed to be shipping in July.
It is only available to US customers.
Phone orders: 1-800-992-0549 E-mail: orders@mfi.com Fax: 913-841-2624
Mail: Dr. Dobbs CD-ROM Library 1601 West 23rd St, Ste. 200 Lawrence, KS 66046-2703
[Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with Dr. Dobbs other than being a subscriber.]
I plan on getting it as it has at least one book I have been planning on buying that costs about what the CD-ROM runs... I will tell people how good it is when I get it.
************************************************************************ * Bruce Schneier 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,002,000, * Counterpane Systems 000,000,000,000,000,000,002,000,000,002,293 * schneier@counterpane.com The last prime number...alphabetically! * (612) 823-1098 Two vigintillion, two undecillion, two * 101 E Minnehaha Pkwy trillion, two thousand, two hundred and * Minneapolis, MN 55419 ninety three. * http://www.counterpane.com ************************************************************************

Andrade Software & Networking Andrad@Netcom.Com X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL23] MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Length: 399 Bruce Schneier wrote:
The cost should be reasonable. And I hope nobody posts the text, or the publishers won't ever do it again.
You need some way to protect electronic copyrights. Unfortunately, any widespread, practical method is probably at least 5 years in the future. - Alex -- Alex Alten P.O. Box 11406 Pleasanton, CA 94588 USA Andrade@Netcom.Com (510) 417-0159 Fax/Voice

On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Andrade Software Andrade Networking wrote:
Bruce Schneier wrote:
The cost should be reasonable. And I hope nobody posts the text, or the publishers won't ever do it again.
You need some way to protect electronic copyrights. Unfortunately, any widespread, practical method is probably at least 5 years in the future.
Copyright laws will do nothing to prevent the text from being distributed. All copyright laws will do is make you able to punish "offenders" after the fact. They have no mystical value to "protect" anything, especially digital medium, which is easy to copy. I can understand Bruce's view on this though. We want these things to spread. The more copies that get published, the harder the task becomes to supress info on crypto. Kind of a fine line between making it available and making it available for everyone... alano@teleport.com | "Those who are without history are doomed to retype it."

I did not see this on the list earlier, so I thought I'd post a copy. This message says that the Executive Branch wants to know what we think about CA's, escrow, strong crypto, and other issues. Anyone want to offer me a plane ticket to NIST in Gaithersburg, MD? - ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:36:44 -0400 (EDT) From: Elizabeth Lennon <lennon@email.nist.gov> To: Multiple recipients of list <itl-bulletin@nist.gov> Subject: Announcement of Public Forum and Request for Comments DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce AGENCY: Technology Administration, Commerce. ACTION: Notice of public forum and request for public comments. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: The Department of Commerce requests public comments on various aspects of the public key infrastructure related to certificate authorities and digital signatures. This request for public comment will enable the Department, and other Executive Branch agencies, to benefit from the expertise and views of the private sector, states, localities, non-profits, industry associations and other national and international entities. Specific questions that the Department seeks public comments on are listed in ``Supplementary Information''. A ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' is being sponsored by the Department on this topic. The comments received by the Department will aid in effectively supporting Administration initiatives on electronic commerce issues. DATES: The ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' will be held on July 24, 1997, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Advanced registration for the ``Public Forum'' is due by July 16, 1997. Written comments are due by July 16, 1997. Requests to participate as a panelist in the ``Public Forum'' are due by July 2, 1997. ADDRESSES: The ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' will take place at the Green Auditorium, Administration Building, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Written comments should be sent to: Director, Information Technology Laboratory, ATTN: ``Public Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures'', Technology Building, Room A231, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. Electronic comments may be sent to ECFORUM@NIST.GOV. Electronic comments should be in ASCII, MS word or WordPerfect formats. No comments will be accepted by voice phone or by fax. PUBLIC INFORMATION: The Department, based on comments received and expressions of interest, will organize the Public Forum as a series of panels, with short presentations and then a period for questions from the audience. Not all issues included in this notice may be covered in the public forum, and the Department may organize the program along lines different than the questions are presented. Members of the public who are interested in serving on a panel are asked to contact the individual listed in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT below. Due to time and physical constraints, and in order to develop an effective program, not all requests can be honored. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Edward Roback, Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Building 820, Room 426, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001. (301) 975-3696. For planning purposes, advanced registration is requested by July 16, 1997. To register, please fax your name, postal address, telephone and e-mail address to: 301-948-1233, ATTN: ``July 24 Public Forum''. Space permitting, registration will also be available at the door. The July 24th meeting is open to the public. There is no registration fee for the Public Forum. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The ``Public Forum'' on Certificate Authorities and Digital Signatures: [[Page 31412]] Enhancing Global Electronic Commerce'' will be held on July 24, 1997 at the Green Auditorium, Administration Building, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD. Copies of written submissions received by July 16, 1997, will be made available at the Public Forum. Issues for Public Comment and Themes of the Public Forum The emergence of a public key infrastructure, and the demands of global electronic commerce, have generated significant private sector and governmental efforts to develop a reliable system of certificate authorities that enable use of trustworthy digital signatures. The Department of Commerce, and other Executive Branch agencies, seek public comment on and are planning a Public Forum that encompasses the following issues. By seeking comment from the varied parties and interests, reflecting the many initiatives that are underway, the Executive Branch will be better able to assess emerging initiatives on digital signatures and certificate authorities; ensure that the federal government's PKI activities take advantage of the latest developments and directions in the private sector; and aid federal government officials and industry representatives participating in domestic and international fora on these issues. 1. State government initiatives through ``digital signature laws.'' Some two dozen states have passed some form of ``digital signature laws'' in the last two years. The Department encourages comments from relevant state government agencies on the experiences and issues that have arisen during the process of implementing these laws, including the status of any registration of certificate authorities. Comments that reflect the systematic aspects of digital signature laws are especially encouraged. Comments are also encouraged by users and stakeholders in the systems that result from passage of these ``digital signature laws.'' 2. The evolving legal framework of certificate authorities and digital signatures. A number of private sector efforts are underway to examine and recommend changes to the legal and regulatory framework that could contribute to a reliable system of certificate authorities. The Department notes the efforts, among others, of the American Bar Association (``Digital Signature Guidelines'') and the National Commission on Uniform State Laws. The Department encourages comments from all private sector efforts which are undertaking efforts in this area. 3. The technology and business challenges of certificate authorities and digital signatures. In response to user demands, an industry of certificate authorities is emerging. The Department seeks comments from those entities that are offering services and technologies that relate to issuing certificates and digital signatures. 4. User requirements and expectations. A multitude of sectors can be expected to utilize a reliable system of certificate authorities and digital signatures. The Department seeks comments from any and all sectors that are developing performance requirements and user expectations in this area. Comments are encouraged from non-profits and governmental entities, as well as for-profit enterprises. 5. An international perspective. A number of countries and international fora are examining the issues of a reliable system of certificate authorities and use of digital signatures. The Department notes the activities of UNCITRAL, the OECD, as well as recent developments in Germany, Japan, the European Union, etc. The Department invites comments from international representatives on the issues outlined in this notice and participation in the Public Forum. Comments received in response to this notice will be made part of the public record and will be available for inspection and copying in the Central Reference and Records Inspection Facility, Room 6020, Herbert C. Hoover Building, 14th Street between Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues, NW, Washington, DC 20230. The Department intends to publish the proceedings of the Public Forum, and all public comments, as soon as possible after the July 24th meeting. Dated: June 3, 1997. Mary L. Good, Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology. [FR Doc. 97-14991 Filed 6-6-97; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3510-CN-M

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- hi! here goes: i'm tring to put on our campus (my university) one machine to make the gateway betwen radio amat. and the internet.. at the begining it may be only e-mail, and web. I'm thinking in using a linux on a pentium, conected with one or two baycom modem conected to the radio, and running a tcp packet radio network. In the machine, i put squid, or other proxie server for web, a pop mail and a connection to our moo (atlantis.fe.up.pt 7777). first problem: how to make the autentication ? every one in the the packet radio network gets all packets... i was thinking in using secure shell, but i only get one machine, and if i get, say, 15 users, i don't get the cpu power to manage all that stuff. second problem: i want to gerate free acounts/free e-mails automatic for the radio ham. where can i get all this software? BTW, i'm in europe, portugal. anyone have any electronic hardware (not expensive), to speed up the autentication (without fancy chips that nobody have ..) ? please reply to me with your sugestions, flames, etc cheers Pedro -- ______________ +------------------------/___________ /\------------------------------+ | Peace, love and \ ________/ / / "It is impossible to love | | 8 hours of sleep! ;-) \ \ \ / / / and to be wise." | | \ \ \ / / / Francis Bacon | | Pedro David Polonia \ \ \/ / / | | Pgpfinger: 5E 98 1D 8D C1 \ \ \/ / E3 88 A1 1E EC 73 F9 88 2B 8F 64 | +-----------------------------\ \ /-----------------------------------+ \_\/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3ia Charset: noconv Comment: free your mind... iQCVAwUBM7mVT8+REMAvhl6hAQGYUgP9Gy6URrwcEg4p3gChfi8lpHrrJdR0aB24 PzzrwW/k2J6UpncPFYKYyTX/Jg/riajTpyOb5Qpjt2/4FZ3OK34IDFekD3mhTNFf 2zpKMlR2+ZBROTQCPiWtfVo9/IZeQCJYgI9dey5inL0xTh+egM5KcNpfn4Wsqp/d R2QUKxpHPcc= =+8jL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Dr. Dobbs Essential Books on Cryptography and Security CD-ROM Price $99.95
Includes the following books:
It is only available to US customers.
Possibly some benevolent US cypherpunk who gets a copy of this CD could see that the texts from it find their way onto either an FTP server or somewhere like sci.crypt??? Anonymous responses and pointers expected if anyone does have the time and is good enough to do this. Datacomms Technologies data security Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk Paul@crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul@cryptography.uk.eu.org Http://www.cryptography.home.ml.org/ Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85 "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

Bruce Schneier wrote:
The cost should be reasonable. And I hope nobody posts the text, or the publishers won't ever do it again.
At 04:02 PM 6/30/97 +0000, Paul Bradley wrote:
It is only available to US customers.
Possibly some benevolent US cypherpunk who gets a copy of this CD could see that the texts from it find their way onto either an FTP server or somewhere like sci.crypt??? Anonymous responses and pointers expected if anyone does have the time and is good enough to do this.
No point in being anonymous when I'm flaming you. Bruce did _not_ appear to be saying "I'd be shocked, _shocked_ if this were posted to the net." He said he's talked his publishers into putting some great crypto books on CD-ROM, which is the sort of the publishers do to make money. Even if you're not impressed with copyright laws as law, or with the enforcability of copyright laws, you can still not rip them off. Adam Back, by contrast, said he'd be quite pleased if some US cypherpunk were to physically mail him a copy of the disk, which he'd pay for. While that's arguably violating export laws, it's not ripping anyone off. You could argue, BTW, that CD-ROMs _are_ print - after all, they're just dark and light dots on plastic intended to be read optically, and they're not much different from a really small print Braille font. You might need to argue that with Judge Patel, _after_ the DoiJ/NSA/BXA appeal the Bernstein settlement and lose :-) And it's probably worth getting the bar-code version of the T-Shirt through export first. # Thanks; Bill # Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com # You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp # (If this is a mailing list or news, please Cc: me on replies. Thanks.)

Adam Back, by contrast, said he'd be quite pleased if some US cypherpunk were to physically mail him a copy of the disk, which he'd pay for. While that's arguably violating export laws, it's not ripping anyone off.
I don`t believe in copyright in general, but I would be perfectly happy to pay a US cpunk to send me a copy of this CD-ROM, *BUT*, physically mailing a copy like this is more risky for the US Cpunk. I don`t believe in ripping people off, and rarely copy copyrighted material, but I don`t hold with copyright laws and see nothing wrong with this being posted. Datacomms Technologies data security Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk Paul@crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul@cryptography.uk.eu.org Http://www.cryptography.home.ml.org/ Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85 "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

At 10:56 AM 6/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
While reading the latest issue of Dr. Dobbs, I found something of interest...
Dr. Dobbs Essential Books on Cryptography and Security CD-ROM Price $99.95
It is supposed to be shipping in July.
Thanks for the tip. Sounds great. I just ordered mine. Readers accustomed to "instant gratification" are warned that the publisher is now saying "you should receive it by August 1." Stephen

On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, Stephen Cobb, CISSP wrote:
Thanks for the tip. Sounds great. I just ordered mine.
Readers accustomed to "instant gratification" are warned that the publisher is now saying "you should receive it by August 1."
I just ordered mine, they said mid July... =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian | "If you wanna touch the sky, you must |./|\. ..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com| be prepared to die. And I hate cough |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ | syrup, don't you?" |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, | For with those which eternal lie, with |.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"| strange aeons, even death may die. |..... ======================== http://www.sundernet.com =========================
participants (11)
Adam Back
Alan Olsen
Bruce Schneier
Paul Bradley
Pedro David Castanheira Polonia
Ray Arachelian
Robert A. Costner
Stephen Cobb, CISSP