"how washington is strangling america"

------- Forwarded Message From: chasm@insync.net (Schuetzen) To: ADVISORY.LIST@insync.net, .@insync.net, snetnews@world.std.com, .@insync.net Subject: SNET: (fwd) piml] GOOD BOOK Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 21:38:23 GMT - -> SearchNet's SNETNEWS Mailing List X-No-Archive: Yes FORWARDED On Sun, 15 Jun 1997 19:17:32, RoxanneJohnson <alphashewolf@proaxis.com> wrote: TO ALL PATRIOTS AND OTHER CONCERNED CITIZENS: Here is an excellent book to read if you haven't read it already. You can acquire a copy thru Waldenbooks or Dalton Books or at your library (if they carry it). It is called A CALL FOR REVOLUTION---HOW WASHINGTON IS STRANGLING AMERICA--AND HOW TO STOP IT by Martin L. Gross. Below is a brief synopsis of the book. WE THE PEOPLE ARE ANGRY! All across the nation, Americans are gasping for breath, waking up to find the tentacles of Washington wrapped firmly around their necks--and pocketbooks. In his NEW YORK TIMES bestseller, THE GOVERNMENT RACKET: WASHINGTON WASTE FROM A TO Z, Martin L. Gross exposed the wasteful practices of Washington. Now, in A CALL FOR REVOLUTION, Gross digs far beneath that waste to uncover the startling but undeniable truth: the core of government is rotten. WE'RE BEING STRANGLED BY: * TAX LAWS THAT DESTROY THE MIDDLE CLASS: In 1950, a middle-class family living in Long Island had a total tax burden of 12 percent of its income. Today, that same family has a tax burden more than three times as much. * THE WELFARE PROGRAM, A NATIONAL DISGRACE: The welfare system costs the taxpayer more than $300 billion a year -- but if Uncle Sam wrote annual checks for $14,700 to all 7.7 million poor families, if would cost only $113 billion a year. * THE TWO PARTY DICTATORSHIP: The Majority Leader (not elected by voters!) has twenty-six PARTY workers on his staff -- all on the federal payroll. The total party tab in Congress is $20 million a year -- all paid by taxpayers. * A POWER-MAD WASHINGTON: Our cities and states are continually subjected to unfunded mandates from the government. Anchorage, Alaska, was forced to pollute its waste water with fish guts, then treat the organic material in order to comply with federal regulations. Washington's rules will cost that small city -- not Uncle Sam -- $428 million. * A BLOATED AND INDIFFERENT CONGRESS: Congress operates at a price tag of up to $2.8 billion a year, or some $5 million a member. What does that get us? In 1991, the House passed a $151 billion highway bill -- at a cost of $2,300 for each family of four -- without ever reading it. Scathingly honest and crammed with investigative reporting, A CALL FOR REVOLUTION takes us through the treacherous waters of government, offering direct ways to correct the corruption, end the inefficiency, and tighten the belt around the Beltway so that the federal government -- and democracy - -- can truly be "for the people." TAKE BACK YOUR GOVERNMENT! Including the cold, hard facts about Vice President Al Gore's NATIONAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW. A CALL FOR REVOLUTION -- HOW WASHINGTON IS STRANGLING AMERICA -- AND HOW TO STOP IT, by Martin L. Gross Ballantine Books, New York Libary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-73731 ISBN: 0-345-38773-2 Yours in Freedom, alphashewolf@proaxis.com Running with the pack!! QUOTE: "This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!" -- ADOLPH HITLER, 1935 PLEASE NOTE: Myself, a friend and his contacts at JPFO are currently researching the above quote for authenticity. Any leads on said quote will be greatly appreciated. Thanks....ASW _______________________________________ Charles L Hamilton (chasm@insync.net) Houston, TX X-No-Archive: Yes - -> Send "subscribe snetnews " to majordomo@world.std.com - -> Posted by: chasm@insync.net (Schuetzen) ------- End of Forwarded Message
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Vladimir Z. Nuri