Re: [NTSEC] SKIPJACK / NT4.0 (SP3?) (fwd)
It is most definitely an SSL 3 supported cipher but unless you have the token or such, then it is not going to be used for anything, and then only if you try to connect to a Skipjack (ie. fortezza) site. I doubt you have the code as it is classified and available (at this time) only in hardware. Don't sweat it, it looks like it's just a hook or ..... What environment/flavor of stuff are you running? I can help you with this if you want to contact me off the list. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 4.5 mQENAzRQsnUAAAEIAMclvXulVps67+GFijTzNspUsWBYihovyvzlfzdHxkXYWiSg FyZ4KUVLDvVwMIvFFQ3S48VtkT6i8+P8gwZFBNXyuOO+e8nv1o3b90Og6imiN2Eg PTg3rJCKun2kP6AkUN+J1m7AuYjDML7caPzRM9kbws4JmSb+U5RSeUq5g8aA9mRr oJwE3YKolM7uNAaiBwJuRRxltJG/P8XilY/J6NMhx2M1TpjXg0+9jasr7DMMFRFI sVX9uumibFOWT9xUB5eW6rTLJOXf5H5vUnDykRErtbFsLp6cOZ++3qtzHzMYbbSW xGPe2eL7tCF/y8eKh6l0U8UkWUTuQFuvyEhHg90ABRG0HGdyZWdnIDIwNDggPGdl ZW1hbkBiZXN0LmNvbT4= =F1s3 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- At 11:45 AM 12/26/97 -0500, Ray Arachelian wrote:
Now this is interesting! :) (Either that or JA is smoking crack... - no idea on JA's reputation capital though...)
=====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian |Prying open my 3rd eye. So good to see |./|\. ..\|/..||you once again. I thought you were |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were.... |..... ======================= ==========================
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 01:29:07 -0600 From: "J.A. Terranson" <> To: 'NT Security Listserv' <> Subject: [NTSEC] SKIPJACK / NT4.0 (SP3?)
I was rooting around in the registry tonight, (looking to repair my own stupidity!), and guess what I saw? SKIPJACK is installed, and ENABLED! I have NOT (now would I EVER) installed it voluntarily, and Micro$loth only advertises the "standard" ciphers (which I also found).
Is anyone else aware of this? Is it safe to delete the key (and code? Hopefully this is DLL driven: I'm still looking!).
Also, anyone know what it was put there for? It's certainly not what I would
consider an SSL issue!
J.A. Terranson A small fading light in a vast and obscure universe...
PROTECT YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY - ENCRYPT! PGP/DSS: 0x12896749 FP: 63F2 1777 BC38 AC1E 3359 0B0E C6C0 ED6B 1289 6749 PGP/RSA: 0x9D85DF05 FP: 810C 25E9 7DD3 C157 3081 A202 DDFD 4245 If Government wants us to behave, it should set a better example!
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Attachment Converted: "F:\GDW\Mail\[NTSEC] SKIPJACK NT4.0 (SP3)"
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