A question about gas warfare in San Fran in '66...
Hi, Here in Austin we have a local radio dj who does a public access show on various issue localy and nationaly, Alex Jones, who has put a piece on some sort of bio-weapon test that occurred in '66 in San Francisco. He is claiming that deaths resulted. Anyone have a clue what he's talking about? ____________________________________________________________________ The seeker is a finder. Ancient Persian Proverb The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate Austin, Tx /:'///// ``::>/|/ ravage@ssz.com www.ssz.com .', |||| `/( e\ 512-451-7087 -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- --------------------------------------------------------------------
On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Jim Choate wrote:
.... on some sort of bio-weapon test that occurred in '66 in San Francisco. He is claiming that deaths resulted. Anyone have a clue what he's talking about?
He is probably talking about a test run by the CIA, Navy Etc. A navy ship in the bay sprayed SF with a 'simulated' BW agent ( Serratia marcescens - If I remember correctly ). This was not designed to hurt people but to see the spread of an aerosolized agent in a real city. Monitoring collectors were set up all over the city including in schools etc. Several days after the spraying started, in one hospital ( connected with Stanford I think ), where there was a ward with a number of catheterized men, some dozen or so men became seriously ill with Serratia infections, and 2 died. There was never a case of Serratia infection before this time. The military people conducting the experiment did not inform the hospital physicians even after the men became ill! - Carl
At 08:09 PM 9/7/98 -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
Here in Austin we have a local radio dj who does a public access show on various issue localy and nationaly, Alex Jones, who has put a piece on some sort of bio-weapon test that occurred in '66 in San Francisco. He is claiming that deaths resulted.
Anyone have a clue what he's talking about?
Had a bioweapons test occurred in the people's republic of San Francisco, it seems likely they would have erected billboards spelling out the details in letters visible from the moon. I assume that this is one of these anonymous source things. According to official, yet anonymous sources the US/CIA forces committed every crime of every regime around the world, including the purported crimes of Pol Pot in Cambodia, (I kid you not) and they are actually running a totalitarian state in the USA but the people are too brainwashed to notice. They also sell cocaine. Similarly, according to sources that are not anonymous, but which (strange to report) no one else can find, Nike is actually producing its shoes in something very like slave labor camps. The reason the refutation of the CNN story (US uses nerve gas to kill defectors and exterminate villagers) made such news is that CNN was so careless as to actually name identifiable real people as the source of this story. (They needed faces and it is hard to put the faces of anonymous sources on TV.) Naturally those real people were mighty pissed and denied the story attributed to them. There is a wagon load of similar stories using supposedly official, but anonymous sources, or sources that do not appear to be real people. The print media works much better for such sources than TV. In short, do you think the internet is the net of a million lies? Not so. It is the place where lies get exposed. It is far easier to get away with lying in the old media, because nobody answers you back. --digsig James A. Donald 6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG q3LBLR6odNzwIKI1p2zeYnP4Kzv2MSbsmKm0u2M5 4W6++mmQ2e3TnYU5J3oM1+BvPivukgtAcxEWE47MN ----------------------------------------------------- We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state. http://www.jim.com/jamesd/ James A. Donald
Jim Choate wrote:
Here in Austin we have a local radio dj who does a public access show on various issue localy and nationaly, Alex Jones, who has put a piece on some sort of bio-weapon test that occurred in '66 in San Francisco. He is claiming that deaths resulted.
Anyone have a clue what he's talking about?
As far as I know, the only bio-weapon test that occured in San Francisco was when they scattered some large volume of apparently harmless bacteria over the city in order to find out what effect a bio-attack would have on them, and to get an idea of what countermeasures are useful, and of course, to test their own delivery systems. :) I don't know what kind of bacteria they were, so I've no idea if they were harmless or not. Suffice to say that a bunch of people in San Francisco think they weren't (harmless), and get upset about it frequently. It seems unlikely, however, that the few deaths that people have tried to attribute to the bacteria were actually caused by them. San Francisco is a big city, with lots of people. If the bacteria really were dangerous, *manY* people would have died, rather than the handful (10-15?) that did in fact die, for one reason or another. Michael Hohensee
participants (4)
chatski carl
James A. Donald
Jim Choate
Michael Hohensee