Re: Computer Expert Witness Needed *Immediately*
At 07:09 PM 3/23/98 -0800, "Roger D. Slates II" <slates@INREACH.COM> wrote, on another list:
A computer expert is needed immediately to testify as an expert witness in an ongoing criminal matter in Federal District Court in Los Angeles. Kevin Mitnick is seeking a highly credentialed expert in computer security, telecommunications, system and network administration to testify in this highly publicized computer "hacking" case. This will be a groundbreaking case and is expected to attract significant media coverage. Testimony will be required as early as March 30, 1998 in Los Angeles, California. Further testimony will be needed at trial, later this year. Expert witness fees will be paid by the federal court. Qualified candidates must have an advanced degree and be knowledgeable in DOS, Windows 3.ll, Unix (SunOs & Solaris), VAX/VMS, and Internet operations. Experience with cellular telephone networks is a plus. Previous expert testimony and/or publication are preferred. Qualified candidates, please contact Mr. Mitnick through his appointed defense counsel, Donald C. Randolph, Esq. at (310) 395-7900 or write to him at: Donald C. Randolph, Esq., Randolph & Levanas, 1717 4th Street, Third Floor, Santa Monica, CA 90401-3319. Email address is:
Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639
participants (1)
Bill Stewart