Anthrax--The Horsemen are Riding
CNN is reporting a news flash, with few details, about two men being arrested in Las Vegas for making or possessing or planning to make anthrax. Details should be emerging, but I have a hunch it's a witch hunt, an invocation of the Four Horsement, to drum up support for Clinton's Dirty Little War. Now, just what are the chances of such an arrest *exactly* as the USG is rattling sabers over Saddam's alleged anthrax and other CBW items? It seems highly likely that the word went out to local FBI offices to "beat the bushes" to produce some news headlines. "Find us some jimbells we can show to the American public as proof that an undeclared, unsupported war with Iraq is justified." Expect more raids on "terrorist cells." Expect more coincidental findings of chemicals and supplies which _could_ be used to make banned items. Expect the usual suspects, like Fineswine, to call for limits on free communications ("which are being used by terrorists") and cryptography. Meanwhile, expect no Congressional vote for Clinton's War with Saddam. Why won't Congress declare war, as is its responsibility (clearly stated in the Constitution)? The last time around, in 1990-1, there was a six-month buildup to the start of the war, there was apparently overwhelming public hatred of Saddam, there was a clear goal ("liberate Kuwait"), and there was clear support by other nations, other Arab states, the United Nations, etc. And yet the vote in Congress was very close...the Congress came very close to not issuing a statement of support. (Of course, this was still not a declaration of war, as the Constitution calls for, but it's about as close as we ever get in this post-WW II "Executive" government, where Congress never declares war, not even in Korea, Viet Nam, the Gulf, etc.) And this time around the public's interest in Saddam is ho-hum, the support of other nations is lukewarm to nonexistent, the goals of a war are completely unclear, and Congress appears unwilling to vote support. And yet the war will probably happen. Clinton, the draft dodger and antiwar activist (factual statement, not a judgement on his actions in the 60s), _needs_ a Nice Little War. But I predict it will backfire. He'll kill ten thousand Iraqi women, children, and other innocents, he'll incinerate some underground bunkers holding terrified residents of Baghdad, and he'll bomb some pesticide facilities. But in a region as vast as Iraq is, does anybody think he'll destroy all of those shock-resistant flasks and Thermos bottles carring whatever biological goodies he's already made? When Clinton's minions stood and held up bags of sugar and said "This much anthrax could kill everyone in Washington," why, after the cheering stopped, didn't the obvious question get asked: "And bombing Baghdad stops this bag of sugar from being used in just _what_ way?" If a couple of guys in Las Vegas can get busted for doing Illegal Experiments, regardless of whether actual anthrax is ever found, then why do we think Iraqi, Libyan, Sudanese, and other such nations have not long, long had the means to disperse anthrax in nations which bomb them, kill their children, and tell the U.N. to boycott them? Like I always say, avoid "soft targets." Avoid the Schelling points for attacks, the sites any self-respecting terrorist, freedom fighter, or patriot would attack first. When Washington, the president not the pesthole, advised us to "avoid foreign wars," we should have heeded him. America has become Amerika, Policeman to the World, ready to inject herself into foreign wars in Bosnia, Haiti, Ruwanda, Somalia, Viet Nam, Korea, El Salvador, Kuwait, and on and on. "Pouring out the phials" may be rough justice for Amerika. --Tim May Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- on or about 980219:0959, in <v03102800b1121b2a31b1@[]>, Tim May <> was purported to have expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:
CNN is reporting a news flash, with few details, about two men being arrested in Las Vegas for making or possessing or planning to make anthrax. Details should be emerging, but I have a hunch it's a witch hunt, an invocation of the Four Horsement, to drum up support for Clinton's Dirty Little War.
The Gulf of Tonkin all over again. playing on the strings of perceived public patriotism
Now, just what are the chances of such an arrest *exactly* as the USG is rattling sabers over Saddam's alleged anthrax and other CBW items?
my calculator only displays to 10^-999
It seems highly likely that the word went out to local FBI offices to "beat the bushes" to produce some news headlines.
Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City...
"Find us some jimbells we can show to the American public as proof that an undeclared, unsupported war with Iraq is justified."
"jimbells" -there but for the grace of God, go we... just like Waco underlined the need for more government suppression of whatever, or whomever, in the interest of public safety.
Expect more raids on "terrorist cells." Expect more coincidental findings of chemicals and supplies which _could_ be used to make banned items.
Expect the usual suspects, like Fineswine, to call for limits on free communications ("which are being used by terrorists") and cryptography.
and get something legislated which might be stricken by the Supreme Court. if we're lucky. [snip]
And this time around the public's interest in Saddam is ho-hum, the support of other nations is lukewarm to nonexistent, the goals of a war are completely unclear, and Congress appears unwilling to vote support.
And yet the war will probably happen. Clinton, the draft dodger and antiwar activist (factual statement, not a judgement on his actions in the 60s), _needs_ a Nice Little War. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
the desire to change leaders in the middle of a ScheiBsturm may be possible this time; Bush needed a nice little war, but as you point out, there was a specific issue: Kuwait. and George did not have the scandal, after scandal, ad nauseam... [snip]
If a couple of guys in Las Vegas can get busted for doing Illegal Experiments, regardless of whether actual anthrax is ever found, then why do we think Iraqi, Libyan, Sudanese, and other such nations have not long, long had the means to disperse anthrax in nations which bomb them, kill their children, and tell the U.N. to boycott them?
all it takes is a sufficient catalyst, an enabling act, to push someone over the edge. who really needs nukes and their intendant delivery problems. our brave warriors claim Iraq does not have the means to deliver CBW --yeah, right. it may be true they can not deliver it without suiciding the agents, but since when has the Arab world ever lacked for martyrs to execute a fatwah?
Like I always say, avoid "soft targets." Avoid the Schelling points for attacks, the sites any self-respecting terrorist, freedom fighter, or patriot would attack first.
bullies do not understand this; certainly not Saddam, and it is becoming obvious that Bubba is willing to do anything, including selling our Americans to distract us from the almost inevitable fact that his "need" for satisfaction warrants the lies and coverup.
When Washington, the president not the pesthole, advised us to "avoid foreign wars," we should have heeded him.
we would be a lot better off if we had heeded not only the foreign wars admonition, but a great many more of Washington's farewell address. you never see it quoted en toto for the masses, never printed full page in the Times, never even taught in our schools --because it does not serve the interests of the ruling classes.
America has become Amerika, Policeman to the World, ready to inject herself into foreign wars in Bosnia, Haiti, Ruwanda, Somalia, Viet Nam, Korea, El Salvador, Kuwait, and on and on.
Pax Amerikana: may commerce prevail for Amerikan suits to rape, pillage, and burn uninhibited around the world. welcome to the interests of big money, central banks, and the NWO.
"Pouring out the phials" may be rough justice for Amerika.
you aren't downwind from Las Vegas and we were hit with government experiments from the test range which not only dropped radioactive fallout, but anthrax. of course, it would not bother me if Washington, the pesthole, became a ghost town of rotting CongressCritters and bureaucrats. maybe Bubba should take this little walk around the memorials (unfortunately ignoring the last one which would displeased him, but which would do us the most good): Clinton, distraught and contemplating his latest scandal was walking through Washington looking for any kind of guidance. He walks up to the Washington Monument, looks up and says, "George, you were always wise, what should I do?" Low and behold, a voice comes down from above and says, "ABOLISH THE I.R.S. AND START OVER." Clinton, amazed that he is talking to the past President thinks he'll try it again. He walks over to the Jefferson Memorial and utters the same request. "Thomas, you never had these kind of problems, what can I do to rally people behind me?" Again a voice from above answers, "WELFARE, ITS NOT WORKING, ABOLISH IT, START OVER." After hearing this Clinton is so excited he is planning to go to all the historic sites for guidance. Next he goes to the Lincoln Memorial. "Abe, I need your help, people are losing confidence in me and they no longer trust me what should I do?" After a substantial pause Abe responds, "TAKE THE DAY OFF, GO TO THE THEATER." -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: latin1 Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be iQBVAwUBNOyJA7R8UA6T6u61AQFXJgIAiurmJNELU+ic3N6V3aqIz8QcqkhgCKlF 2MBlwFPWRTlEetjGT0jg5KMLGu3ehJsoMbijQz7BTgcjLPDTb0anpQ== =DlR/ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
At 9:59 AM -0800 2/19/98, Tim May wrote:
CNN is reporting a news flash, with few details, about two men being arrested in Las Vegas for making or possessing or planning to make anthrax. Details should be emerging, but I have a hunch it's a witch hunt, an invocation of the Four Horsement, to drum up support for Clinton's Dirty Little War.
I'm now watching the FBI's news conference about this event. Very few details, lots of scary stuff about deadly biological viruses....par for the course. The FBI guy cites the help of "Dougwood Proving Grounds." Er, I think he means Dugway, but he's just a flack. He mentioned that the raids were launched "hours" after an informant gave them information. Ah, but how in this bureaucratic age did they get the support from Nellis AFB, the U.S. Army, a team from Quantico, and half a dozen other police and military agencies? And the Army's involvement (Army and Air Force personnel) would seem to violate Posse Comitatus (the law forbidding military involvement in domestic police enforcement). Still looks like a canned event to drum up support for Operation Wag the Dog. (Consider that one of the arrestees was charged two years ago with some crime related to having precursor chemicals which could be used in making bubonic plague. He was on probabation, and probably his movements were being tracked. Perfect for "rounding up the usual suspects.") So far the seized materials are "unidentified." It'll be real funny, and tragic, if nothing is found. (Ah, a reporter just asked, "You've had these suspects under surveillance for quite some time....") But I suspect the Feds will _plant_ something incriminating even if nothing is actually found. Like throwdown guns planted on perps in shootings, throwdown vials will be used. (Dugway Proving Grounds was involved, and is just one of many sources of anthrax.) It's truly indicative of our Orwellian state that the USG is ranting about "weapons of mass destruction" when the USG maintains massive chemical, biological, and nuclear stockpiles. (Or are Fort Detrick and Dugway and the VX stockpiles near Hanford just "baby milk factories"? :-) ) Wanna bet they also bring crypto in this media circus? --Tim May Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.
Watching the tube: Andrea Greenspan just did the standard scare piece about the useful idiots, Larry Wayne Harris & Co. Then Kallstrom (thought he was retired!) appeared, to warn vaguely of the need for more wiretaps and less encryption. One thing you can say for these guys: they're predictable. bd
participants (3)
Attila T. Hun
Tim May