STOP Bad Breath Causing BACTERIA!!!

====================================================== We honor all remove requests; reply with REMOVE in the subject. ====================================================== EXPERIENCE!!! AN INCREDIBLY FRESH, CLEAN, SWEET AND ODOR FREE BREATH!!! ================================== KISS YOUR BAD BREATH GOODBYE NOW AND FOREVER!!! ================================== Also ELIMINATE the bitter taste and foul odor of MORNING BREATH!!! IMAGINE YOUR CLEAN, FRESH, KISSING SWEET and ODOR FREE that you are EAGER to approach people anytime, anywhere with the FULLEST CONFIDENCE! AT LAST!!! An immediate, effective, tangible, economical and permanent SOLUTION for the CLEANEST, FRESHEST, SWEETEST AND ODOR-FREE BREATH you've ever experienced... ========================================== WHEN SWEET BREATH MEANS EVERYTHING!!! ========================================== For more about the causes and instant cures of bad breath, latest medical research, and the NEW and INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE Oral Hygiene product, BAD BREATH TERMINATOR, visit our FULL-COLOR ANIMATED WEB SITE now at: ================================= If this site is busy, email us at for the location of our other web site. OR SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE INFO... ======================= HOW IS YOUR BREATH? ======================= --> Do you shy away from meeting people because of your breath? --> Do you experience isolation and a diminished quality of life? --> Does bad breath still persist even after you've tried every known breath spray, breath mint, mouthwash or internal capsule on the market? Bad breath is no joke to those who have it. In fact, it can be a source of EMBARRASSMENT and SHAME. ================= THE GOOD NEWS ================= Doctors and Dentists used to believe the source of bad breath was the digestive system. Research has shown this is SIMPLY NOT TRUE! Actually, the good news about bad breath is that -- in 9 out of 10 cases -- it originates in the mouth, and this type of bad breath is CURABLE! AT LAST!!! One of life's more embarrassing problems has THE PERFECT SOLUTION!!! ========================================== INTRODUCING THE BAD BREATH TERMINATOR: THE PERFECT SOLUTION!!! ========================================== IMMEDIATE...cleans bad breath away completely STARTING FROM YOUR VERY FIRST USE! EFFECTIVE....completely different from any spray, mouthwash or capsule because it doesn't cover your breath, IT EFFECTIVELY ELIMINATES THE VERY SOURCE OF YOUR BAD BREATH!!! * It effectively SCRAPES AWAY and terminates the offensive FOUL ODOR generating EVIL BACTERIA, the coating of WHITE PLAQUE and DECAYING FOOD PARTICLES from the ridges and valleys on the back of the tongue. * YOU MAY NEVER HAVE BAD BREATH AGAIN!!! ECONOMICAL...use it over and over. Lasts for months. NOTHING MORE TO BUY! It COSTS you ONLY $9.98 per set of 2! PERMANENT...use daily as part of your regular oral care for CONTINUOUS FRESH, CLEAN BREATH ALL DAY! This NEW and INCREDIBLY EFFECTIVE Oral Hygiene Product, BAD BREATH TERMINATOR provides an Immediate, Effective, Tangible, Economical and Permanent SOLUTION for the CLEANEST, FRESHEST, SWEETEST breath you've ever experienced!!! ========================================================== For more about the causes and instant cures of bad breath, latest medical research, and the Incredible BAD BREATH TERMINATOR, visit our FULL-COLOR ANIMATED WEB SITE NOW at: ================================= If this site is busy, email us at for the location of our other web site. Thank you for your time. Susan #
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