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Introduction to the Oakland Athletics Mailing List Last update December 15, 1996 This file is available at any time by e-mailing to <> or by FTP as <> +++IMPORTANT+++ We ask that all users read this document and look at the charter for what is acceptable use of this mailing list. We also ask that if you haven't done so, send e-mail to <>. That file contains the general rules we administer this list under, as well as hints that we've found help people write e-mail messages which are easier to understand and help the mailing lists function smoothly. Everyone using these lists is expected to abide by the rules in these files. We don't consider ignorance of the rules an excuse for unacceptable behavior. Please work with us to make this a fun, interesting and educational place to be. +++IMPORTANT+++ Administrative messages sent to the mailing lists will have a subject that begins with "Admin:". Please read these messages, as they have important information about the state of the lists and systems and changes that might affect how you use it. If you want to find out what else is available on this server, browse <> or send e-mail to <>. It will return a document listing all of our services. We have written a tutorial on using the listproc mail server. You can get a copy of that by sending e-mail to <>. ============ Table of Contents ============ 1) The Oakland Athletics Mailing List 2) Who to contact for help and advice 3) Subscription Info: Important Mail Server Commands 4) Sending Messages to the mailing lists 5) Charter: What's Acceptable/What's not 6) How to find the World Wide Web Home Page, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and FTP archives ============ 1) The Oakland Athletics Mailing Lists ============ The "Oakland Athletics" mailing list is for general discussion of issues and topics pertaining to the baseball team, it's farm system, the organization, and other related things. We are not affiliated with the Oakland Athletics in any way. Please see the charters below for detailed descriptions of what is and is not acceptable material for these lists. There are other mailing lists available as well. Please send e-mail to <> to get a listing of their names, topics, and subscription information. ============ 2) Who to contact for help and advice ============ The List Mom (or Sysops) for these lists are: Chuq Von Rospach (e-mail: <>) Mailing List problems: <> Please try to follow the directions. If you can't make things work, drop us a note and we'll be happy to help. Try us second, though: we're your helpers, not your baby-sitters. The time we spend doing administrative things is time we can't spend creating better services for you. ============ 3) Subscription Info: Important Mail Server commands ============ To subscribe or unsubscribe to a mailing list, you should use the WWW subscription site at <>. If you don't have WWW access (get it!), you must send an e-mail command to the address <>. Leave the subject line blank or put a nonsense word in it -- do not put Listproc commands in the subject, or Listproc will reject the message. For complete details on using listproc, get the listproc tutorial mentioned above. Here are the listproc commands to subscribe to these mailing lists: SUBSCRIBE oak-athletics your real name goes here Here are the commands to unsubscribe from these mailing lists: UNSUBSCRIBE oak-athletics If you want to switch a list to digest mode, use these commands: SET oak-athletics MAIL DIGEST If you want to switch a list from digest mode, use these commands: SET oak-athletics MAIL ACK Remember, all listproc commands go to <>, not the main mailing list. You can put more than one command in an e-mail message. Please note that if your e-mail messages contain signatures, listproc will attempt to read them as commands and return an error to you. This can be ignored if you also get the confirmation back on the earlier commands. You should get a confirmation e-mail or error warning for EVERY command you send to listproc. If you didn't, something went wrong. Try it again, and if it still doesn't work, contact <> for help. ============ 4) Sending messages to the mailing lists ============ To post to the mailing lists, send mail to the appropriate list address: <> You must be a subscriber to the list to post to it. Listproc (the mail server we use) is very picky about your address: it will not recognize you as a subscriber except from the account where you sent the SUBSCRIBE command from. ============ 5) Charter: What's Acceptable, What's Not ============ There is a file of general rules and guidelines that we ask users to abide by on these mailing lists. If you haven't done so send e-mail to <> to get this list and please read it. We don't consider ignorance of the rules an excuse for unacceptable behavior. Please work with us to make this a fun, interesting and educational place to be. The "Oakland Athletics" mailing list is for general discussion of issues and topics pertaining to the baseball team, it's farm system, the organization, and other related things. +++ Acceptable uses: 1) Information about the Oakland Athletics baseball club, it's minor league farm system, management, and organization. 2) S.F. Oakland Athletics Collectibles and Merchandise information. Please don't try to buy or sell stuff on the list, though. It's not a classified ad or a swap meet. 3) Schedule information, box scores, team status, and transaction reports. 4) Road Trips and group get-togethers. A way for out-of-towners to find out what's happening when they visit, and for the locals to meet their like-minded on-line fans. 5) Tickets for sale (and wanted). Scalping is not allowed, however. Please see the note on this in the document. 6) Anything else of interest about the Oakland Athletics. The oak-athletics list should be used for things specific to the Oakland Athletics, primarily on-field issues. Anything that shifts away from that towards more general baseball discussions or any organizational discussions that don't involve the team specifically should be put on baseball-chat. One thing these lists are NOT for: this is not a place for the discussion of rotisserie or fantasy baseball. Please do not come in here looking for data on players you've drafted for a roto league, but otherwise have no clue who they are. There are plenty of places for that. This is for people who enjoy baseball as baseball. Think of this as a sports bar, where we can all sit down with a drink of our choice and discuss the game of our choice. Those who become too rowdy, too drunk, too obnoxious or abusive will be shown the door. Everyone else is welcome -- so drink in moderation, and act like an adult. That's all we ask. ============ 6) How to find the Home Page, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ============ This document is: <> If you aren't sure how to access the World Wide Web or FTP from your site, please ask your local administrators for advice, since it varies for different organizations and types of computers. If you can't get help locally, drop private e-mail to one of the List Moms, and we'll do what we can do to get you started. The FTP archive is in the directory <~ftp/list-archives/oak-athletics/>. All messages to the list are archived in the "message.archives" folder in the subdirectory with the same name as the list you're looking for. If you have WWW access, there will be a searchable database of the message real soon now. ---- end of oak-athletics.INTRO ----
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