Mainframe solutions
Having looked at this path I suggest that the article is misleading. No one moves SAP to a mainframe. What you do is move the DBMS from Oracle under UNIX (the normal implementation for 1000 concurrent users or less) to Oracle or more likely DB2 on the mainframe. Also curious about how mainframe security is 2 years ahead of Unix and/or NT. There is almost no security on a mainframe unless you add a package such as ACF2 or TopSecret. Neither are easy to administer, easy to audit, nor do either have anything to do with application security. They monitor use of files, terminals and the like. As far as I know, there is no package that can intercept the PSW being returned after a system call in the System (vice User) state. (Being in system state on a mainframe is like being root in UNIX) I assure you that in the millions of lines of code, much over 25 years old, in the typical mainframe operating system you don't have to wait long for the "right word"
participants (1)
Roger J. Jones