One Nation web site temporarily off-line

Dear One Nation supporter in NSW You will note from my email that I am not using the normal address. Last night at about 6.30pm Optus "pulled the plug" on my Internet Service Provider (Pronet) who I have NOW been informed are facing financial difficulties. (I only found out today after making enquiries as to why I could not access my ISP.) This has caused all contact with the "gwb" web sites (which includes One Nation) to be cut off. If you try to contact them you will come up with a "DNS error". I am currently relocating the web site and will be seeking a new ISP who can offer One Nation "the best deal". This will take some time, perhaps a few days, and in the mean time I apologise for any inconvenience. As soon as the One Nation website is up and running I will advise you. Please note that the Internet address will remain the same as it was. In the meantime be assured that One Nation being "off air" is not related to any conspiracy, lack of support from our part or any other misinformation that might be fed to you through the media. As always GWB stands 100% behind Pauline Hanson and her competent team. GWB Scott Balson
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Global Web Builders