At 9:16 AM -0700 8/5/98, LOUISE E LIBERATORE, a true Prodigy, wrote:
What R dezz Algorithms
Dezz algrims iz de 'bonics word (word!) foe de Man's main code. Word. --Rap Master Tim "The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants...." ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Licensed Ontologist | black markets, collapse of governments.

At 11:54 PM 8/5/98 -0400, Maurice Valmont wrote:
At 04:55 PM 8/5/98 -0700, Tim May <tcmay@got.net> wrote in his .sig:
"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants...."
I suspect this is unlikely to happen until the oppressed realize that the tree of liberty needs also be watered with the blood of patriots.
It also needs to be fertilized with the bullshit of propaganda and sprayed with the insecticide of secrecy.
Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments.
I'm curious: What exactly is "zero knowledge"?
It is a protocol used by certain political and religious orders. It can be boiled down to "What I don't know, can't hurt me.". --- | Bill Clinton - Bringing back the Sixties one Nixon at a time! | |"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer: | | mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!" | Ignore the man | | | behind the keyboard.| | http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com/~alan/ |alan@ctrl-alt-del.com|

At 04:55 PM 8/5/98 -0700, Tim May <tcmay@got.net> wrote in his .sig:
"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants...."
I suspect this is unlikely to happen until the oppressed realize that the tree of liberty needs also be watered with the blood of patriots.
Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments.
I'm curious: What exactly is "zero knowledge"?

On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, Maurice Valmont wrote:
At 04:55 PM 8/5/98 -0700, Tim May <tcmay@got.net> wrote in his .sig:
Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments.
I'm curious: What exactly is "zero knowledge"?
I cannot discuss that here, as Tim May will likely enter the discussion to enforce his intellectual property rights and remind us that he discussed this before the rest of us were born. All worthwhile discussions of cryptography were held prior to 1994. This list is to be henceforth used for the posting of long rambling prose induced by the inhaling of household chemicals. Contact sniffmonger toto, check the archives, and bring me another scotch. "I know nutzhing! NUTZHING!" SGT Schultz Stalag 13 I'd like to tell you, but I cannot tell you that which you do not already know. Where on the 'net are Tartaglia and Cardano? How about Hakken and Appel? How many colors do you need to color a map, such that no two regions that share a boundary also share a color? Have I screwed up, and in my effort to prove to you that I know the secret, perhaps revealed it to you after all?

Maurice Valmont wrote: | >Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, | >anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero | >knowledge, reputations, information markets, | >black markets, collapse of governments. | | I'm curious: What exactly is "zero knowledge"? A cool new software company involving the usual suspects. Adam -- "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once." -Hume

Maurice Valmont wrote:
At 04:55 PM 8/5/98 -0700, Tim May <tcmay@got.net> wrote in his .sig:
"The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants...."
I suspect this is unlikely to happen until the oppressed realize that the tree of liberty needs also be watered with the blood of patriots.
Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero knowledge, reputations, information markets, black markets, collapse of governments.
Aaaaah, a little jeopardy anyone? da da da da da da da da da da da daDa! da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da daDa! da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da daDa! da da da da "Partnerships" for $100... "What are the residual fX of ALL non prescription (that means recreational and damned fun if you went to Woodstock or Monterey for the left coast..) drugs?"
I'm curious: What exactly is "zero knowledge"?
correct! "Central Intelligence Agency for $400!" Duh? Doris http://idt.net/~dorisaw Is there any way to get 2-bit site certicates to all these darn websites? I wanna see my damn lock closed, even when I browse my own damned site! hehe
participants (7)
Adam Shostack
Alan Olsen
Maurice Valmont
Rabid Wombat
Tim May