Re: Borders *are* transparent

Sternlight blathered [regarding Tim]: ...
"Nyaah, nyaah, you can't catch me" doesn't mean that if they do they won't prosecute. Your waving around that stuff in France is not only juvenile,
Starting off with defamation is a sure tipoff that what follows is crap. And sure enough...[he sure makes it convenient for sarcastic "cowards" like me to use his own words against him.]
but also may put you in violation of French crypto law. ...
Perry's right, DS *would* do it with a dawg.
... Borders _are_ transparent. ...
Again you make the long-discredited straw man argument that the purpose of ITAR is to hermetically seal. It is not. It is to keep legitimate US mass market purveyors from selling strong crypto overseas, ...
You tell the stated purpose, the NSA's own lawyers have told PRZ and others (off the record, of course) that there is a domestic (and therefore a Constitutionally impermissible) purpose. Read the Bill of Rights.
[yadda yadda yadda.]
_This_ is why I expect the Netscape beta to arrive overseas pretty soon.
Nobody disputes that. It won't be readily available though, except for those who have no compunctions about software piracy.
Hell, they can pay Netscape anonymously. David, if you try double standards around here any more, I will make fun of you more, EVERY TIME. I will not stop. I note that you have the common [but not necessarily fucking] statist flaw of needing to get in the last word in every argument, rather than just agreeing to disagree. Chill out. For the health of the list, please try to tone down the volume and number of your posts to something more closely approaching reasonable.
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