tacdfipsfkmi: What the gov't wants

What the government wants in a key recovery system. And, ummm: doesn't Benaloh work for Microsoft?
From ... Minutes of the February 19-20, 1997 Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee to Develop a Federal Information Processing Standard for the Federal Key Management Infrastructure
2. Security Models working group chaired by Dr. Brickell. Dr. Benaloh was asked to give their report in Dr. Brickells absence. Dr. Benaloh said that there was a good deal of overlap between the requirements and framework groups and they are trying to separate the two. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stated that from what the agencies presented, they are looking for a flexible mandatory standard, covering both stored and transmitted data, for commercially available off-the-shelf products. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A major issue noted was the matter of flexibility. The standard must be broad enough to allow products to be developed by anyone. The scope of this working group was stated by Mr. Chokhani as identifying things such as key recovery agents, TTPs, two entity systems, integrity, authorization of keys, confidentiality of information, and accountability, especially of key recovery agents.
participants (1)