Re: Bombs & bomb threats in LA

"picric acid is indeed more powerful than TNT. it was the primary explosive used in WW-I. it was also the primary cargo on a ship, i think it was the "Montblac", that exploded in Halifax harbor and nearly wiped-out the city. this was in the 1917 - 1919 timeframe. -paul
From Fri Aug 2 19:04:53 1996 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 13:12:30 -0500 (CDT) From: Sean Walberg <umwalber@cc.UManitoba.CA> To: Conrad Walton <> Cc: Subject: Re: Bombs & bomb threats in LA Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type> : > TEXT/PLAIN> ; > charset=US-ASCII> Sender: Content-Length: 1357
I remember seeing an item on TV that had mentioned an acid bomb (it was a news report about a public access TV show that was showing people how to make bombs). In this example, some common chemicals were mixed together, tightly closed, and moments later an explosion occured. They never said the chemicals, for all I know it could have been lemon juice and baking soda in a sealed container, a la Dry Ice bomb... It didn't look like a bomb of mass destruction, more of a loud bang and a smallish explosion...
On Fri, 2 Aug 1996, Conrad Walton wrote:
and everyplace else all the news.answers FAQs are stored. What, precisely, is an acid bomb? Also note the standard blame-the-Internet (not, say, increased irritation with government after the Republicans failed to reduce it) rhetoric.
i'm not exactly sure what an acid bomb is, but according to my book, The Anarchist Cookbook, that I bought in 1972 (was the internet around back then?), there is a compound called "picric acid" that is "more powerful than TNT, but has some disadvantages".
------------------------------------------------------------------ Sean Walberg The Web Guy UNIX Group, U. of Manitoba PGP Key Available from Servers
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