Digi-Cash IPO! $1.60 per share
Greetings: Our market research indicated that this information may very well be very interesting to you! As you may know, initial public stock offerings confer upon QUALIFIED INVESTORS huge profit potential opportunities, IF they understand risk. Millennium Interactive Technologies Corp., developer of the first ever advertiser funded system of digital cash is offering 625,000 common shares directly to the public at $1.60 per share, with a 625 share minimum. MITNET is an E-commerce startup which will offer Digital Cash and a FREE smart card to every user who retrieves advertising E-mail from its Internet web site. MITNET DCUs (Digital Currency Units) can be redeemed to pay for your on-line charges, Or converted instantly into the currency of any nation. MITNET ad-mail is the future of Internet advertising! OFFERING CAN ONLY BE MADE BY WAY OF PROSPECTUS QUALIFIED INVESTORS of full age can obtain a printed copy of this offering prospectus, demo software, and the website URL, by sending a reply with name, street address, and day or evening phone number. (please specify) =================================================== This is neither an offer to sell, nor the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. =================================================== Dislike commercial e-mail? Let us put you on our master *DO-NOT-MAIL* list which we supply to 400+ bulk e-mail firms. Simply reply with the word remove anywhere in your message. =================================================== mailto:ceo@mitnet.com
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