__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ NEWS RELEASE OVER $100 BILLION IN FINANCIAL AID IS AVAILABLE TO FAMILIES! Financing a college education today is a serious problem for many families. Tuition, room and board plus books and supplies can cost thousands of dollars per year. Many families fail to realize they can qualify for college assistance regardless of their income. Over $5 Billion in low interest federally subsidized loans go unused each year. HOW TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reveals over $100 Billion of aid that is available to families through a variety of governmental sources, including health, military, minority, teaching as well as non-governmental scholarships and grants. Included are details on how to clarify the questions on FINANCIAL AID forms, understand the different categories of available awards, locate appropriate non-governmental grants and aid, finance correspondence or remedial courses, arrange assets and income to maximize awards, and more. The book is available for $19 plus $3 shipping and handling from UNIVERSAL RESEARCH GROUP, 341-11 South College Road, Suite #175, Wilmington, NC 28403. Applying for college financial aid is an involved process. The information helps not only low- and middle-income families but those which are afluent qualify for free and low cost college financial aid. Much of this information is available to the general public for the first time. (END) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT THIS ORDER FORM NAME_____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________________ CITY________________________STATE______________ZIP_______________ __MONEY ORDER ___CHECK __CASHIER'S CHECK __CASH PAYABLE TO: UNIVERSAL RESEARCH GROUP In the amount of $19 plus $3 for shipping and handling. MAIL TO: 341-11 South College Road, Suite #175, Wilmington, NC 28403 Hurry and get your copy of HOW TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID, while their supplies are still available.
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