CARDIS 98: smart card research
CARDIS Conference Announcement Final Call for Papers and Panels ------------------------------------------------------------- THIRD SMART CARD RESEARCH AND ADVANCED APPLICATION CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 14-16, 1998 UCL, LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, BELGIUM ------------------------------------------------------------ Aims and Goals Smart cards, or IC cards, offer a huge potential for information processing purposes. The portability and processing power of IC cards allow for highly secure conditional access and reliable distributed information systems. There are IC cards available that can perform highly sophisticated cryptographic computations. The applicability of IC cards is currently limited mainly by our imagination; the information processing power that can be gained by using IC cards remains as yet mostly untapped and is not well understood. Here lies a vast uncovered research area which we are only beginning to assess, and which will have a great impact on the eventual success of the technology. The research challenges range from electrical engineering on the hardware side to tailor-made cryptographic applications on the software side, and their synergies. Many currently existing events are mainly devoted to commercial and application aspects of IC cards. In contrast, the CARDIS conferences aim to bring together researchers who are active in all aspects of the design of IC cards and related devices and environments, such as to stimulate synergy between different research communities and to offer a platform for presenting the latest research advances. CARDIS 1994, sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), held in November 1994 in Lille, France, successfully brought together representatives from leading IC research centers from all over the world. CARDIS 1996 was the second occasion for the IC card community in this permanent activity. CARDIS 1996 was organized jointly by the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science at Amsterdam (CWI) and the Department of Logic and Computer Science of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Organization General Chair Catherine Rouyer (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Program Chairs Jean-Jacques Quisquater (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Bruce Schneier (Counterpane, USA) Program Committee (in construction) William Caelli (QUT, Brisbane, Australia) Vincent Cordonnier (R2DP, Lille, France) David Chan (HP Labs, Bristol, UK) Jean-François Dhem (Belgacom, Belgium) J. Eloff (RAU, South Africa) Marc Girault (CNET, France) Louis Guillou (CNET, France) Pieter Hartel (Southampton, UK and Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Peter Honeyman (Michigan U., USA) Pierre Paradinas (Gemplus, France) Qiang (Acad. Sciences, Beijing, China) Michel Ugon (Bull CP-8, France) Doug Tygar (Carnegie-Mellon Univ., USA) Anthony Watson (ECU, Perth, Australia) Wijang Zhang (Shangai, China) Steering Committee Chair Vincent Cordonnier (Rd2p, Lille, France) Local Organization Catherine Rouyer (UCL) Benoit Macq (UCL) SUBMISSIONS Submissions will be judged on relevance, originality, significance, correctness, and clarity. Each paper should explain its contribution in both general and technical terms, identifying what has been accomplished, saying why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work. Authors should make every effort to make the technical content of their papers understandable to a broad audience. Papers should be written in English. Working papers, research in progress are welcome. Authors should submit: an extended abstract (more or less 5 pages) either by email to (we prefer the electronic submission) using one of the following formats: postscript, rtf, latex or word 6. or send 12 copies of the paper to Jean-Jacques Quisquater UCL/DICE Place du Levant, 3 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium The paper should be formatted using the LNCS format from Springer-Verlag, if possible. In any case, each paper should be accompanied by information submitted via email to that consists of: * a single postal address and electronic mail address for communication * complete title, author and affiliation information * the abstract of the paper * a small selection of the keywords that appear on this call for papers, which best describes the contribution of the paper Preproceedings will be available at the conference. It is intended to publish the proceedings in the Springer-Verlag LNCS series. Authors of accepted papers may be expected to sign a copyright release form. IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline June 15, 1998 Acceptance notification July 15, 1998 Camera ready paper due Augustus 15, 1998 Conference September 14-16 1998 THEMES Technology/hardware IC architecture and techniques Memories and processor design Read/Write unit engineering Specific co-processors for cryptography Biometry Communication technologies Interfaces with the user, the service suppliers Reliability and fault tolerance Special devices Standards Software The operating system, Java, ... Models of data management Communication protocols IC Card design Tools for internal or external software production Validation and verification Methodology for application design Electronic payment systems Road pricing Internet payment systems Untraceability Algorithms Formal specification and validation Identification Authentication Cryptographic protocols for IC cards Complexity Security Models and schemes of security Security interfaces Hardware and software implementation Security of information systems including cards Formal verification of transaction sets Protocol verification IC Cards, individuals and the society IC cards and privacy Owner access of data IC cards: political and economical aspects Is the IC card going to change legislation? Patents, copyrights Future of IC cards Innovative technologies Moving towards the pocket intelligence Convergence with portable PCs, lap tops etc ... PCMCIA Innovative applications Design methodology of applications IC cards and the information system Examples of new applications Requirements for innovative cards Standards Emerging standards Compliance and approval
participants (1)
Jean-Jacques Quisquater