Scared of US; Where to relocate?
It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to? I've been looking around for about a week, and the only country that's looked good so far was Anguilla (lower travel costs for FC99!), but it doesn't meet my requirements for a number of reasons... Key features I'm looking for are: 1) Stable political environment. I'm making the move, after all, to AVOID participation in a civil war. 2) Stable economy, with local sources for all the basics (food, water, energy). 3) Reasonable level of medical technology, and local talent. I want good care for my wife during childbirth, for instance. 4) A job market for unix sysadmins / networking gurus / hackers would be nice, but I wouldn't mind learning a new trade either. 5) Right to keep & bear arms + Freedom of speech are musts, other "bill of rights" type laws strongly desired. 6) Low or no taxes would be nice, but if the first five points are met even a fairly high (30-40%) tax rate would be endurable. So... any suggestions?
At 15:31 12.11.97 +0100, Anonymous wrote:
It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to?
I would have suggested Germany, but it seems to fail the meet the critera on about 84% of the points. =:) When you find out where you're headed, let me know. I'll see you there. \!!/ ( o o ) +------ooO--(_)--Ooo-+---------------------------------------------------+ | .oooO | PGP5 Key Fingerprint: | | ( ) Oooo. | 1F59 CADC 951E ADAD 5EA5 9544 FCCE 8E30 4988 551E| | \ ( ( ) | "" "" | | \__) ) / | | | (__/ | Life empiricist and confused ethical hedonist | +--------------------+---------------------------------------------------+ | I'm not your lawer, you're not my client. This is therefore not advice | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- At 03:31 PM 11/12/97 +0100, Anonymous wrote:
It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to?
Certainly Gary North's "Remnant Review" promotes this view and is causing many Right-Wing Nuts to experience bouts of severe depression. I am not as pessimistic. civil war seems much less likely now than it has in various times past.
I've been looking around for about a week, and the only country that's looked good so far was Anguilla (lower travel costs for FC99!), but it doesn't meet my requirements for a number of reasons...
Bad net connections.
Key features I'm looking for are:
1) Stable political environment. I'm making the move, after all, to AVOID participation in a civil war.
The US has had the most stable (even self-satisfied) political environment in the world for the last 150 years or so. Most European and Asian countries have been conquered by fascists or communists for some period over that timeline. Switzerland has been stable for 150 years or so. Hard to get into though.
2) Stable economy, with local sources for all the basics (food, water, energy).
Rough in an integrated world. There goes Japan, all of Africa, most of Asia and South America (stable economy). You are stuck with the OECD countries (and Bermuda).
3) Reasonable level of medical technology, and local talent. I want good care for my wife during childbirth, for instance.
The OECD countries. The High Seas might otherwise qualify but they lack doctors.
4) A job market for unix sysadmins / networking gurus / hackers would be nice, but I wouldn't mind learning a new trade either.
The OECD countries.
5) Right to keep & bear arms + Freedom of speech are musts, other "bill of rights" type laws strongly desired.
What kind of free speech do you want? Sex or hate? The US is the only safe haven for "hate" and political speech. A number of countries bordering on the North and Baltic Seas are reasonably safe for sex speech. You have to choose. For guns it almost has to be the US. Most Swiss Cantons have lax gun laws but the Federal Government passed a new law to take effect next year that restricts concealed carry and other aspects of gun freedom. Switzerland will remain better than other European countries in this regard. Since the UK recently banned all private ownership of any handguns it is obviously off the list. Mozambique and Afghanistan have loss some of the gun freedoms they had a few years ago (open weapons markets and low prices) and fail you criteria for other reasons. Most tax havens have quite restrictive gun laws.
6) Low or no taxes would be nice, but if the first five points are met even a fairly high (30-40%) tax rate would be endurable.
New Hampshire or Alaska. DCF -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBNGnWLYVO4r4sgSPhAQGPXQP+PVHyHtkPi0AHlvhIilBiRaw1Y51T+wLE MuEurdbvEys8l95uBuaVre6aiGP9K+Qhw/nOI5tu/0CZ+zv0YnmbSpgLnRgKYalY yLTDUukekTk48hfOrNcLWsCrENN4142umnCVu+QHe9vSHTBMrLhi/wYldEoNmE4p K0Yw19RX1vU= =KXjb -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
At 03:31 PM 11/12/97 +0100, Anonymous wrote:
It has become very clear to me over the past few years that amerika is headed for some pretty rough times, and I've decided to leave before it becomes illegal for me to do so. The only question is, where to?
Vermont still allows anyone not convicted of a violent crime to carry a concealed weapon, no permit required. Oddly enough, it has one of the lowest crime rates in the U.S. Jonathan Wienke PGP Key Fingerprints: 7484 2FB7 7588 ACD1 3A8F 778A 7407 2928 3312 6597 8258 9A9E D9FA 4878 C245 D245 EAA7 0DCC "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -- Samuel Adams "Stupidity is the one arena of of human achievement where most people fulfill their potential." -- Jonathan Wienke RSA export-o-matic: print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc`
participants (4)
Duncan Frissell
Ian Sparkes
Jonathan Wienke