We Will Loan You $59,000 And You NEVER Have To Repay Us
PLEASE EXCUSE THE INTRUSION. BUT, THIS INFORMATION MAY BE OF GREAT INTEREST TO YOU... How would you like to BORROW $59,000 and NEVER have to repay the LOAN? If you answered YES, and who wouldn't, then I would like to invite you to join a very SPECIAL group of people. The FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK. The FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK is an ever expanding international group of GENEROUS and CARING people who WILL automatically receive $59,000 LOANS, that they NEVER have to repay. All of our members are hard working, family-oriented people, with one common goal that unites us all. We are committed to generating income, to provide the neccessities and the comforts for ourselves and our families. Let us show you exactly how our UNIQUE, HONEST and PROFESSIONALLY MANAGED program, automatically LOANS YOU $59,000. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS: Just LOAN 1 existing member $20 (which is your lifetime membership fee) and THAT'S IT!!! WE DO EVERTHING ELSE FOR YOU! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS JOIN US TO RECEIVE YOUR $59,000 LOAN! IT'S REALLY AMAZING HOW EASY THIS IS AND HOW BEAUTIFULLY IT WORKS! We can assure you that this is a LEGAL and LEGITIMATE offer and complies with US law, title 18, sections 1302 & 1341. After all, who hasn't LOANED a FRIEND money before! And, we don't even expect YOU to repay us. HERE'S HOW TO JOIN: 1) Fill out the membership application at the bottom of this letter. 2) Send us your application along with $20, your lifetime membership fee. AND THAT'S IT, WE'LL DO EVERYTHING ELSE FOR YOU! HOW AND WHEN DO YOU RECEIVE YOUR LOAN: ONLY the member in the #1 position RECEIVES YOUR LOAN/membership fee. (SEE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION) The FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK will then remove the name of the person in the #1 position and will then add YOUR name and YOUR assigned number to the #5 position. The FINACIAL FRIENDS NETWORK will then enroll new members for you, as we are currently doing for an existing member, right now. Those collected membership fees are then forwarded to YOU, as the member in the #1 position. THE FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK WILL CONTINUOUSLY AND VIGOROUSLY ENROLL NEW MEMBERS UNTIL EACH EXISTING MEMBER HAS "SPONSORED" 5 NEW MEMBERS. BY DOING THIS, NO MEMBER CAN FAIL! THIS SERVICE ALONE IS WORTH MUCH, MUCH MORE THAN THE SMALL $20 LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP FEE! CALCULATION OF LOAN AMOUNT: Position 5: We enroll 5 new members for YOU - 1 X 5 = 5 Position 4: We enroll 5 new members for them - 5 X 5 = 25 Position 3: We enroll 5 new members for them - 25 X 5 = 125 Position 2: We enroll 5 new members for them - 125 X 5 = 600 Position 1: We enroll 5 new members for them - 600 X 5 = 3000 Those 3000 new members LOAN YOU $20 EACH, for a total of $60,000, less a $1000 loan processing fee, retained by FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK. This is how we make a profit and it enables us to continuously increase our membership. THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT! When YOUR name reaches the #1 position, usually in 3-4 months, YOU will then start to receive YOUR LOAN. YOUR LOANS will be automatically forwarded to you on the 1st and 15th of each month, until YOU receive YOUR entire $59,000 LOAN. Any overages will be automatically repositioned to the next member on the list. (We never know exactly how many people will respond to each specific mailing) Almost EVERYBODY JOINS our exclusive network due to it's LOW, LOW lifetime membership fee and it's HIGH, HIGH rate of return. Thousands of new members are joining monthly. There are over 150,000 new people getting on the Internet each week. This provides us a vast and ever expanding market to tap into. THAT'S WHY THIS OPPORTUNITY IS SUCH A FANTASTIC SUCCESS! Nobody could blame you if you are having some reservations about joining our exclusive membership offer. But PLEASE, don't let your fears and past disappointments keep you from allowing YOURSELF and YOUR FAMILY to benefit from this ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY! Financial security is the one basic need of all people. Without it, it's difficult to survive. IMAGINE WHAT YOU COULD DO WITH A $59,000 LOAN, THAT YOU NEVER HAVE TO REPAY! The FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK allows ALL of it's members the opportunity to become FINANCIALLY SECURE. And, YOUR lifetime membership fee is so LOW, there's no strain on YOUR budget! PLEASE don't confuse the FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK with any other money programs that are DOOMED from the start. They make no guarantees, they want YOU to do ALL the work and they want YOU to absorb ALL the cost. They'll even tell you that YOUR SUCCESS depends solely on YOU! As a member of the FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK, We do ALL the work and WE absorb all the cost. YOU just sit back and collect YOUR LOAN. WHAT COULD BE EASIER? MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If at any time, you would like to cancel your membership, we will refund you your full lifetime membership fee, no questions asked. NOW YOUR MEMBERSHIP IS RISK FREE! WE'RE SURE YOU'LL HAVE TO AGREE, THAT THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL OPPORTUNITY OF IT'S KIND, WITH ABSOLUTELY NO RISK! PLEASE DON'T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS YOU BY. IT WILL PROBABLY BE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY! HAVE YOU EVER GAMBLED AWAY MONEY ON LOTTERY TICKETS? NOW YOU CAN BE A "WINNER" AND RECEIVE YOUR $59,000, BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK! JOIN US NOW! MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION: YES, I want to receive my $59,000 too! I understand that I can cancel my membership at any time. As a FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK member, all loans are interest free and I never have to repay the loan. All information about me will be kept strictly confidential. NAME____________________________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________________________ CITY________________________STATE_________ZIP___________ PHONE________________________E-MAIL_____________________ (optional) (optional) MAKE CASHIERS CHECKS PAYABLE TO:________________________ MEMBERS: Position 1: J. Jeffers ID# 67441 Position 2: C. Danko ID# 68377 Position 3: J. Berga ID# 70029 Position 4: M. Lentz ID# 74893 Position 5: G. Nunoz ID# 77906 You may also send in your application by puting the above information on a seperate sheet of paper. DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE ALL 5 POSITIONS, WITH NAMES AND ID#'s. SEND YOUR APPLICATION ALONG WITH $20 CASH, Sorry, but we ask that all payments be made in cash, to eliminate ALL tax liabilities. All Checks will be returned. SEND TO: FFN 1101 E. Tropicana Ave. STE.# 187 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Please make sure cash does not show through envelope. NOW, JUST SIT BACK AND RELAX, YOUR LOAN WILL BE ARRIVING SOON! THANK YOU, and WELCOME TO THE FINANCIAL FRIENDS NETWORK.
participants (1)