Hi We are computer shops that have branch in several countries.We have branch in San Diego, Washington and Alabama. Our Head office is in Taiwan. We will go wide in 1998. Now we also have branch in Europe, and one of our shop just opened in Poland. We sell computer accessories and cd's. Since this is our first time in the net, then we want to offer you very cheap computer accessories. We are working with 11 eleventh service to randomly select you. You can purchase our product or just get free catalog and souvenir from our shop. Now we will offer you computer accessories with very low prices. And our souvenir is worth more than $ 50. Because this is only for trial before we go wide in January 1998, then we sell very cheap computer accessories. It cost you almost nothing. And if you check our Home page, then you will automatically be the participant of our big computer contest. You can get Pentium II computer for free or cash $ 1000. And we give it freely for 25 people around the world. Since we picked you randomly, then you automatically get our 10 % discount and you will be our participant big contest if you go and check out Home page. Just get your souvenir and catalog for free (it costs you nothing, we deliver it for free at your door) Visit us in : http://www.bitsmart.com/joton_compushop Go to our Home page, then you get free souvenir and catalog. !!! Don't miss this chance..!! ---------------------------------------- Joton Compu Shop 1997 ----------------------------------------
participants (1)