ALERT: Crypto hearings in D.C. 6/26/96, submit your comments through WWW!

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IF YOU CAN'T BE THERE, YOU CAN STILL HAVE YOUR COMMENTS ENTERED INTO THE RECORD AT WWW.CRYPTO.COM Date: June 21, 1996 URL: If you redistribute this, please do so in its entirety, with the banner intact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents News How to receive crypto-news Security And Freedom through Encryption forum: July 1, 1996 Press contacts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS The sponsors of the Pro-CODE bill (S.1726) will hold the second of two hearings on the encryption issue in Washington D.C. this coming Wednesday, June 26. Witnesses scheduled to testify at the hearing, which will focus on the Burns/Leahy Pro-CODE bill (S. 1726) include: * Phil Zimmermann, Inventor of PGP * Whit Diffie, Father of Public-Key Cryptography * Jerry Berman, Executive Director, Center for Democracy and Technology * Matt Blaze, Cryptographer * Phil Karn, Cryptographer * Barbara Simons, Chair of US Public Policy Committee, ACM * Marc Rotenberg, Director, Electronic Privacy Information Center * AND YOU!! (See below for details) The hearing will focus on the need to reform US encryption policies, proposals to relax export controls on encryption, and the privacy issues raised by the current policy. Senator Burns (R-MT), Senator Leahy (D-VT) and the other sponsors of the Pro-CODE bill want to hear from the about why encryption is important to privacy and security on the Internet. If you're like most of American, you cannot take a day off just to attend the hearings to make your voice heard. Luckily, you can use the handy World Wide Web form to express your opinion and have it entered into the record. Please be sure to visit and add your voice to the debate over encryption policy on Capitol Hill. Responses will be tabulated and the results, along with selected statements, will be included in the Congressional Record by Senator Conrad Burns. The results will also be featured during the Security and Freedom through Encryption Forum (SAFE) on July 1 (details on that event are attached below). If you find the WWW form too constraining, or you do not have access to the World Wide Web, send your testimony to Shabbir J. Safdar ( who will make sure it gets into the record. To add your voice to the crypto debate in Congress, visit: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTEND THE SAFE FORUM - JULY 1, 1996 STANFORD CALIFORNIA On July 1, 1996, in the heart of California's Silicon Valley at Stanford University, members of Congress, prominent computer industry leaders and privacy advocates will meet to discuss the need to reform U.S. encryption policy. The event is FREE and open to the public, but space is limited and is going fast. To find out more, and to reserve your free ticket, visit the SAFE Forum Web Page at: CONFIRMED SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Among other prominent industry leaders, cryptographers, privacy advocates and members of Congress, confirmed speakers include" Industry Leaders and Cryptographers Members of Congress * Marc Andreeson, Netscape * Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA) * Jim Bidzos, RSA * Rep. Tom Campbell (R-CA) * Eric Schmidt, Sun Microsystems * Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) * Brad Silverberg, Microsoft * Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) * Phil Zimmermann, PGP Inc * Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) * Matt Blaze, AT&T * Sen. Larry Pressler (R-SD) * Bruce Schneier, Counterpane Systems Privacy Advocates and Legal Experts: * Michael Froomkin, U. of Miami Law School * Jerry Berman, Center for Democracy and Technology * Grover Norquist, Americans for Tax Reform (invited) * Ken Dam, U. of Chicago Law School (invited) This event will be "cybercast", with full audio and still video clips, live online with the help of MediaCast. Details on the cybercast are available at SAFE FORUM SPONSORS This important discussion on the need for an alterative policy to protect privacy and security and promote commerce on the Global Information Infrastructure is being made possible by the generous support of the following companies and public interest organizations: America Online Americans for Tax Reform AT&T Business Software Alliance Center for Democracy and Technology Center for National Security Studies Commercial Internet eXchange CompuServe Incorporated Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Cylink Corporation EDS Electronic Frontier Foundation Electronic Messaging Association Electronic Privacy Information Center Information Technology Association of America IEEE - USA MediaCast Media Institute Microsoft Corporation Netcom Online Communication Services Netscape Communications Corporation Novell, Inc. Oracle Corporation Pacific Telesis PGP Inc. Prodigy, Inc. Progress and Freedom Foundation Securities Industry Association Software Publishers Association Sybase, Inc. Voters Telecommunications Watch Wired Magazine Please visit the SAFE Forum Home Page for more information ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RECEIVE CRYPTO-NEWS To subscribe to crypto-news, sign up from our WWW page ( or send mail to with "subscribe crypto-news" in the body of the message. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESS CONTACT INFORMATION Press inquiries on Crypto-News should be directed to Shabbir J. Safdar (VTW) at +1.718.596.2851 or Jonah Seiger (CDT) at +1.202.637.9800 or ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- End crypto-news =============================================================================
participants (1)
Voters Telecommunications Watch