Re: Fw: 1998-07-28 VP Statement on the Growing Digital Divide
On Wed, 29 Jul 98 01:19:56 -0000 (DST), kryz wrote:
Office of the Vice President ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release July 28, 1998
The data shows that, although many more Americans now own computers, minorities and low-income households are still far less likely to have personal computers or on-line access to the Internet than white or more affluent households.
Geee... who would have suspected that?!?
and Internet access -- with the deepest discounts going to the poorest urban and rural schools.
In short, the E-Rate program will enable all of our children to mine the riches
Yeah, mine the rich, just like "milk the cows" ...
will have access to the same universe of knowledge as a child in the most affluent suburb.
But what about the child of the rich that got just a little less rich for making the unrich richer and by being unrich, cannot make or affort the latest "save the world gizmo" who would have made us all more richer?
Now is the time to bridge the digital divide, prevent those who can benefit the most from falling through the net, and move forward with the
Three cheers for Komrad Gore! Ciao JFA " There can be no compromise on basic principles. There can be no compromise on moral issues. There can be no compromise on matters of knowledge, of truth, of rational conviction." -Ayn Rand "The government has no source of revenue, except the taxes paid by the producers. To free itself -for a while- from the limits set by reality, the government initiates a credit con game on a scale which the private manipulator could not dream of. It borrows money from you today, which is to be repaid with money it will borrow from you day after tomorrow, and so on. This is known as "deficit financing." It is made possible by the fact that the government cuts the connection between goods and money. It issues paper money, which is used as a claim check on actually existing goods-but that money is not backed by any goods, it is not backed by gold, it is backed by nothing. It is a promissory note issued to you in exchange for your goods, to be paid by you (in the form of taxes) out of your future production." -Ayn Rand
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Jean-Francois Avon