RE: The Bible Code

Hello again... I see this sort of thing as being like when people see jesus in a bar of saop and charge a buck to the suckers who come to see it. Okay... here's the EMAIL code. I you read the following message: On Saturday, May 31, 1997 12:10 PM, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM [] wrote: (lucifer Anonymous Remailer) writes:
I will shortly be releasing my new book, "The ASCII Code" which outlines the predictions made based on decrypting the hidden messages in the ASCII artwork sent to the cypherpunks list.
Since none of the predictions have proven accurate, my book speculates that perhaps Tim May isn't a cocksucker, after all.
But John Gilmore is surely a cocksucker.
I've met Rips, who's supposedly behind this "bible code" nonsense. He's an asshole, and I dismiss anything he says as total bullshit.
Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps
and put it though a filter using the "bible code" method.. you get : stupid dorks will buy this book.
From characters :
3,5,6,.... you get the point. Suckers. Chris DiBona
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Chris DiBona