The Zimmermann Telegram
Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 11:59:49 -0800 To: From: Dave Del Torto <> Subject: The Zimmermann Telegram
Ladies, Gentlemen & Cryptographers,
I'm pleased to announce the imminent release of the premier issue of the new "Zimmermann Telegram" newsletter. The Zimmermann Telegram will be a regularly-published, paper-based, English-language technical update newsletter from PGP's engineering staff, and will cover a variety of cryptographic and other lighthearted topics which we may otherwise be restricted from discussing via electronic media. The newsletter will be sent, in compliance with US law, by regular postal mail to anyone interested in technical information about PGP -- anywhere in the world.
If you are now developing PGP-related freeware, shareware, commercial or academic cryptographic software, or you plan in future to become a registered PGP Developer or PGP World Partner (those programs are currently under construction and will be formally announced later) or if you are just interested in technical information about cryptography, we think you'll enjoy reading our newsletter.
In the premier issue, along with important updates regarding changes to the PGP packet format, CRC security problems and new extensions to the PGP key format which are not available through any other medium, you'll learn about the significance of the "Zimmermann Telegram" name. Meanwhile, visit this page: <>.
Scheduled to be mailed imminently, the premier issue will be sent free to anyone who provides us with a postal mail address. After that, regular subscriptions will require a modest fee (to be announced) to cover our mailing costs, but we've committed to offering a limited number of free one-year subscriptions to interested members of the cryptography community. To request your free subscription, please send email to me at:
In the body of your request, please include the form below (items between the cut-lines ONLY, and preferably PGP-signed), and replace the lines with your complete postal mail address info as indicated. We'll put an HTML subscription form on our website, but for the premier issue, we're managing the subscription process via email. Thank you for your patience as we deploy rapidly. :)
............................. form begins here ............................. The Zimmermann Telegram PGP's Technical Newsletter
- Premier Issue & One-Year Free Subscription Request -
Subscription Information (Premier Issue):
name (optional, but appreciated) title (optional) organization/dept (optional, as appropriate) street address mailstop (optional) city/state/province zip-/postal-code country
Free Subscription Category: (please [x] only one)
[ ] academic [ ] public library [ ] media maven [ ] human-rights/privacy activist [ ] corporate security [ ] impoverished cypherpunk [ ] software analyst [ ] law enforcement [ ] freedom-fighter [ ] intelligence agency [ ] freeware developer
.............................. form ends here ..............................
Privacy Lock: If you are concerned about the privacy of your personal information when sent over unsecured public networks, please feel free to encrypt your subscription request to my key, which can be found at: <>. Pretty Good Privacy Inc will take all reasonable precautions to protect this information and will not use it for any other purpose without first asking your permission. Also, PGP will not sell or give the information to another entity and will store the list securely between mailings.
Please feel free to circulate/forward this message (with PGP-signature) among your friends and colleagues (remember: the free subscription offer expires on 30 April 1997). We look forward to your comments on The Zimmermann Telegram and thank you for your continued support of PGP.
_________________________________________________________________________ Dave Del Torto +1.415.524.6231 tel Senior Technical Evangelist +1.415.572.1932 fax Pretty Good Privacy, Inc. web X-PGP header key
........................ "The Zimmermann Telegram" ........................ Copyright © 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PGP and Pretty Good Privacy are registered trademarks of Pretty Good Privacy, Inc. Permission is granted to the reader to reproduce and distribute exact copies of this document, in physical or electronic form, on a non-commercial basis (i.e., at no direct or indirect charge). This document has been made available in hard copy on a subscription basis and is available in public libraries in the United States. Accordingly, and solely for purposes of U.S. Export Control laws and regulations (but not copyright or other intellectual property laws), this document is considered in the "public domain." The information in this document is of an exploratory or experimental nature. As such, it is subject to change without notice and is provided "AS IS." No guarantee is made that it is free of errors or that it will meet your requirements. While we welcome your feedback on this document, we are unable to provide any technical support for its contents. ...........................................................................
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