Trial Class 1 VeriSign Digital ID
QUICK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------- To assure that someone else cannot obtain a Digital ID that contains your name and e-mail address, you must retrieve your Digital ID from VeriSign's secure web site using a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN). Be sure to follow these steps using the same computer you used to begin the process. Step 1: Copy your Digital ID PIN number. Your Digital ID PIN is: 7278ce06ea0aedffb942b1b7468471a3 Step 2: Go to VeriSign's secure Digital ID Center at Step 3: Paste (or enter) your Digital ID personal identification number (PIN), then select the SUBMIT button to install your Digital ID. That's all there is to it! WELCOME TO THE CLUB ------------------- Congratulations on obtaining a Trial Class 1 Digital ID(sm) from VeriSign! As a Trial Digital ID holder, you join millions of users who can send and receive secure e-mail using the built-in features of the latest versions of Netscape, Microsoft, and other popular e-mail packages. You also gain easy access to popular websites using your Digital ID instead of passwords and one-step registration at websites requesting Digital IDs. Your Digital ID contains the following information: Name or Alias: RANDOM Q. HACKER E-mail Address: To find out more about where and how to use your Digital ID, please visit us at or visit our Help Desk at And don't forget that you can enjoy the benefits of a Full Service Class 1 Digital ID-including $1000 protection under the Netsuresm Protection Plan, directory services, and free replacement, renewal, and revocation of your ID 24 hours a day, 7 days a week --for only $9.95 (U.S.) a year. To upgrade, please visit our Digital ID Center at Thank you for choosing VeriSign! We look forward to serving your future electronic commerce and communications needs.
participants (1)
VeriSign Digital ID Center