RE: Fighting the cybercensor

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If every time someone made a mistake they got punished, without the opportunity to understand the error and without the opportunity to make corrections, they would be a psychological wreck.
Yes, you have certainly pointed out a property of AP, insofar as teaching is concerned. The reality of the physical world is that some mistakes, for example steping off a cliff, are immediately punished by a fall and possibly death. The 'student' may or may not learn for the experience but other students who are witness most certainly will.
If every time someone made mistake they got assassinated, not only would no one wish to do anything for fear of losing their lives, creating a "society" of timid sheep, there probably wouldn't be many people remaining to savor the triumph of being superior.
I sincerely doubt that many would use AP to right small slights, anymore than many now kill others for the same reasons. The world has always been inhabited by bullies and tyrants who cared little of what harm they caused others. An AP system would quickly eliminate bullies and tyrants.
AP is just another form of war. You can bet that if assassinations increased a hundred fold as a result of your method, not only "governments" but some very bright people would get together to figure out a defense against it, for they also would be "at risk".
I think the reaction of the society as a whole to AP would depend on what its perceived overall results were. If assassinations of scum and tyrants increased a hundred fold it would hardly be noticed on any political radar screen, except the bullies and tyrants. --Steve
participants (1)
Steve Schear