Re: The Global Fix is In

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <>, on 06/22/97 at 11:58 AM, Paul Bradley <> said:
I think that finally the poloticians in D.C, London, Berlin and all the other major capitals have caught on, and realised that open availability of anonymity, security and strong crypto can only lead to crypto anarchy, they are *scared*, this time they are no longer do-gooding idiots, they are out to cover their own backs...
There have only been 2 intrests of the politition: CYA -- Cover Your Ass LYP -- Line Your Pockets There is also the desire to get re-elected but that directly relates to the two above. - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBM61ko49Co1n+aLhhAQGylQQAvLLnNgbu5SamAMMimF0BYina9gNdXkf6 r52wIpTncCHVeFS8khA73IcIwCOyMi7ktFuVOJKUWT/cNdFoMYEp2bDbai/KzVcx O/2ueFTiqEQNk2WR4caTABJtPxASRxPa7X8M8u9gdaBUwHOCTj+yRcDxAhxaAc3+ Ma29OH+tgxk= =kCas -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Here's the performance rating given to McCain by the special interest groups. The percentage figure is the %votes in agreement with the position(S) of the group.
From Vote Smart,
Performance Evaluations by Special Interest Groups Issue Area Year Percentage Evaluating Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abortion/FamPln 1991 100 Justlife Education Fund (Abortion) Abortion/FamPln 1993-1996 0 Planned Parenthood Abortion/FamPln 1996 0 National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action Abortion/FamPln 1996 86 National Right to Life Committee Business 1995-1996 100 National Federation of Independent Business Business 1996 95 Business-Industry Political Action Committee Business 1996 100 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Children 1995 6 Children's Defense Fund Chr.Fam. Issues 1991-1992 100 Christian Voice Chr.Fam. Issues 1995-1996 100 Christian Coalition Civil Rts/Lib 1991-1992 0 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force Civil Rts/Lib 1993-1994 0 Human Rights Campaign Fund Civil Rts/Lib 1995-1996 10 Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Civil Rts/Lib 1995-1996 22 National Association for the Advancement of C Civil Rts/Lib 1996 18 American Civil Liberties Union Conservative 1995-1996 74 Conservative Index Conservative 1996 95 American Conservative Union Consumers 1996 43 Consumer Federation of America Contractors 1995 100 Associated Builders & Contractors Crime 1995-1996 0 Citizens United for Rehabilition of Errants Defense/Foreign 1991 15 Professional's Coalition for Nuclear Arms Con Defense/Foreign 1991 40 JustLife Education Fund (Arms Reduction) Defense/Foreign 1993-1994 100 American Security Council Defense/Foreign 1995 17 Peace Action Defense/Foreign 1995 30 Campaign for U.N. Reform Defense/Foreign 1996 9 Council for a Livable World Economic Policy 1991 40 JustLife Education Fund (Economic Policy) Economic Policy 1994 90 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Totals) Economic Policy 1995 90 The Libertarian Party - Economic Freedom Economic Policy 1996 87 The Republican Liberty Caucus Education 1993-1994 9 American Federation of Teachers Education 1995 0 National Education Association Education 1995-1996 0 U.S. Student Association Env./consumer 1995-1996 11 U.S. Public Interest Research Group Environment 1994 78 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Environment Environment 1995-1996 11 League of Conservation Voters Environment 1995-1996 75 Fund For Animals Farm 1991-1992 20 National Farmers Organization Farm 1993 56 National Farmers Union Farm 1993-1994 89 American Farm Bureau Federation Farm 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Agriculture Gun Issues 1993-1994 0 Handgun Control, Inc Gun Issues 1993-1994 100 National Rifle Association Health 1995-1996 41 AIDS Action Council Health 1996 7 American Public Health Association Immigration 1996 15 American Immigration Control Immigration 1996 25 Federation for American Immigration Reform-Se Labor 1989 0 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League Labor 1989-1990 50 National Federation of Federal Employees Labor 1991 40 American Postal Workers Union Labor 1994 0 United Food & Commercial Workers Labor 1995 0 United Auto Workers Labor 1995 8 AFL-CIO Labor 1995 12 Communications Workers of America Labor 1995 12 The Teamsters Labor 1995 30 Transportation Communications Union Labor 1996 0 American Federation of State, County & Munici Labor 1996 5 American Federation of Government Employees Liberal 1995-1996 5 National Committee for an Effective Congress Liberal 1995-1996 38 Public Citizen's Congress Watch Liberal 1996 0 Americans for Democratic Action Libertarian 1995 70 The Libertarian Party - Combined Score Populist 1995 20 Liberty Lobby Poverty 1996 14 Bread for the World Property 1995-1996 100 League of Private Property Voters Regulation 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Deregulatio Seniors 1995 0 National Council of Senior Citizens Seniors 1995-1996 20 National Association of Retired Federal Emplo Seniors 1995-1996 29 National Committee to Preserve Social Securit Seniors 1995-1996 94 The 60 Plus Association Social Policy 1991 40 National Association of Social Workers Social Policy 1995 7 Network Social Policy 1995 50 The Libertarian Party - Personal Freedom Social Policy 1995-1996 8 Friends Comm. on Nat'l Leg. (Senate) Social Policy 1996 0 Zero Population Growth Social Policy 1996 62 The Republican Liberty Caucus Taxes/Spending 1991-1992 100 National Tax-Limitation Committee Taxes/Spending 1994 85 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Spending) Taxes/Spending 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Budget) Taxes/Spending 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Taxes) Taxes/Spending 1995 48 Concord Coalition Taxes/Spending 1995 88 National Taxpayers Union Taxes/Spending 1995 89 Citizens Against Government Waste Trade 1994 100 Competitive Enterprise Institute (Trade) Veterans 1989-1990 50 Vietnam Veterans of America Women 1989-1990 5 National Women's Political Caucus Women 1993 20 The Woman Activist (Senate) Women 1995-1996 0 American Association of University Women Women 1995-1996 75 Concerned Women for America
participants (2)
William H. Geiger III