[SACRAMENTO NUTLY NEWS--byline Chainsaw McCullagh]IN AN EXCLUSIVE interview at the Sacramento County Jail, former UC-Bezerkeley math professor, Theodore "Don't Call Me Teddy" Kaczynski, spoke (on the condition that his anonymity would be preserved) to a Nutly News reportwhore, a drug-smuggling prison guard, and a few inmates sharing a crack pipe in an adjoining cell. "Selective prosecution...", Kaczynski said, pausing to let the Nutly News reportwhore pass the pipe back to the far side of the cell bars, and turn on his tape recorder. "Selective prosecution," TK continued, "will be the basis of the defense I plan to raise." "A defense," he added, "which I expect will help to swing public support over to my side during my trial and subsequent execution." Seeing the skeptical glances exchanged between the reportwhore, the guard, and the crackheads in the adjoining cell, Kaczynski proceeded to explain that the American public was growing increasingly tired of sacrificial lambs being thrown to the prosecutorial wolves on the basis of patently illegal discrimanitory prejudices. "Allowing Bad BillyC in WashDC, To walk free around town, Despite Foster and Brown..." Kaczynski rapped, until noticing the icy glares from the pigmentation criminals in the next cell, then continuing in a normal cadence, "...is one thing, but prosecuting the mother of the fat broad for child abuse, while allowing Karen Carpenter's mother to walk..." The reportwhore and the jail guard, passing the crack pipe back and forth, also passed a glance that confirmed they were beginning to see the true danger involved in allowing TeddyK a legitimate trial. The whole American justice system was based on the outcome of the case being pretty well set in stone by the time it reached a jury, if a trial became unavoidable. The jury rigging process and the pretrial motions were comparable to the bidding in a bridge game, with the actual playing of the cards during the trial being mostly for show. Of course, in high-profile cases that are a must-win for government prosecutors and their behind-the-scenes handlers, the bidding process is mostly to decide how much the defendant's lawyers will be compensated for selling their client quietly down the river. McVeigh's lawyers got $15 million and a guarantee of future government largess, in return for making certain that their client got a defense that most people wouldn't find acceptable if it were their dog that was facing being 'put down' by the Feds. Legal rulings by the judge were geared toward allowing the defense team the freedom to use any tactic or evidence which would not help their client's case, or hurt the government's case. Nichol's trial was geared toward actually allowing the defense team to present a moderately legitimate defense, to preserve the pretense of justice, while risking little chance of justice ultimately triumphing. Kaczynski's trial was slated to be another quick and easy slam-dunk, with the legal eagles moving their playing pieces around in a grand game designed to ensure everyone's future reputation and earning power while maintaining the charade that Truth and Justice still play some minor part in the whole process. The key to the House of Cards known as the American Judicial System, however, is convincing the defendant and/or the public, that the game is not totally rigged from beginning to end. When either the defendant or the jury cannot be controlled, the House of Cards begins tumbling rather rapidly. The key to controlling the defendant is to convince him/her that their legal representatives are sincerely acting in their client's best interest, and are not selling him/her out, in the slightest way, in order to further their career and guarantee not missing their tee-time for their afternoon golf game with the prosecutor. The key to controlling the jury is to make certain that they are not allowed to view any evidence, or hear any point of view, which runs contradictory to the outcome which has been preordained by following 'established legal procedure.' The danger is not in Theodore Kaczynski claiming innocence...the danger is in him questioning why he, McVeigh and Bell are being prosecuted, while Clinton, Nixon and Bush were/are not. The danger is in him asking why the mother of the girl who died of Chatelaine-Incorrect obesiety is a criminal worthy of prosecution, while the mother of the girl who died of BarbieDoll-Approved anorexia is guilty of NoCrime. The danger is in asking why a teenage foreigner was prosecuted for not recognizing the signs of a broken wrist and a cracked skull in a child, while the parents, trained adult physicians, were not. The danger is in TK asking why tobacco executives, known to have participated in the deaths of millions are allowed to buy their way out of prosecution, while TimmyM and TeddyK are not. The danger is in Terrible TeddyK exercising his freedom of speech and raising socially inacceptable questions during defense of his actions. There is not a day that goes by that someone in America does not kill more people than TK ever dreamed of--individuals, government bureaucrats or corporate executives. The danger is not in Kaczynski proclaiming his innocence, the danger is in him saying, "So the fuck what? It's a predatorial universe. I'm a small fry with a large mouth. The average citizen has killed more people than me just by keeping their mouth shut and enjoying their share of the booty from the murders committed by the government and corporations that the sheeple count on to do their stealing for them." The danger is in arch-demon, Terrible TeddyK, being allowed a free voice to demand being tried alongside the US government soldier who fired a burst of taxpayer-supported bullets into the body of a Somalian mother with her baby in her arms, defending her home against assault by armed forces of foreign governments. The danger that Theodore Kaczynski presents is the same danger which James Dalton Bell represented--unfettered free-speech--uncontolled sound-bytes--a non-approved view of reality. The plain fact is that the world-view sold to us by those who control the mainstream media is so far out of whack with reality that it cannot even withstand verbal assault by StinkBombers, let alone UnaBombers. Who is Theodore Kaczynski? He is a man who has murdered fewer people than Winnie Mandela and countless other 'world leaders'. He is a man who has murdered fewer people than your average street gang leader. He is a man who has murdered fewer people than me--and, quite possibly, you. He is a dangerous man--a man who can't be bought. He is a man whom the government portrayed as someone who must--and who would--be justifiably put to death, after a 'fair' trial. A man who is now being offered a 'plea bargain' for the simple reason that he has demanded his right to speak in his own defense. That cannot be allowed in a judicial system that is built on a House of Cards that depends on its survival for all of the players to tread lightly around the thin walls of reality on which Justice in America is built. The final irony, of course, is that Terrible TeddyK, who only killed a couple of people, was parlayed into a major threat to world peace and individual security by the very people who now wish that they could dismiss him as mentally unstable, for the purpose of allowing him free speech, but mentally responsible, for the purpose of holding responsible for his actions. The final irony is that, in declaring Terrible TeddyK sane enough to execute, their is a danger in portraying him as sane enough to listen to. And the true danger of free speech is that someone may be listening. The final irony is that we, as a society, have deemed that we cannot execute those who are mad, but only those who are sane. We can only hold them responsible if their speech and actions are sane. Snell, Kaczynski, Jesus, TruthMonger...all present the same problem. We can confine them in the rubber-room, or hang them on the cross, but in doing so, we risk validating the truths they claim to speak. The danger is not in the warning contained in their speech--"Don't look back, something might be gaining on you." The danger is that someone--McVeigh, Gus-Peter, Saint Peter, A Cypher- Punk To Be Named Later--might be listening. The danger is that it does not matter if it is McVeigh, with a ton of fertilizer, saying "Something 'big' is going to happen.", or Bell, with a bottle of mercetan, saying, "Something 'small' is going to happen." What matters is that those who have heard and acted on the admonition, "Lock and Load!", are in a position to hear and act on the proclamation that "The Revolution is NOW!" The problem of Theodore Kaczynski will have to be resolved through execution, suicide, or dismissal as a madman. The problem of Clinton, Reno, Mandella, you and I...that will have to be resolved through the denial represented by selective prosecution.
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Sacramento Nutly News