NYC Crypto Forum Add

A supplement to the NYC Crypto Forum: Toward the end Nesson asked, "How about the missing participant here, NSA?" Several panelists noted, "NSA's here, in the audience." (Nonesuch spoke, however.) Nesson went on to ask, "What about national security interests outweighing the right to privacy?" It was here that David Kahn offered his defense of key recovery. Farber and others responded that the problem is that the government is not trusted, that guards against abuse of power have not worked, that national security too often has been a cloak for illicit actions. Here, an audience member said that he worked at Salomon Brothers doing traffic analysis of vast E-mail, and that we should be aware that more electronic snooping is going on than most people know. How could we be sure that law enforcement would not similarly abuse systems set up to catch criminals for other purposes, as NSA allegedly does, and, now using the same methodolgies, as private companies do to spy on employees, customers and competitors. All panelists nodded at this, that it's hard to tell god from the devil, and crypto won't help.

On Fri, 23 May 1997, John Young wrote:
A supplement to the NYC Crypto Forum:
Toward the end Nesson asked, "How about the missing participant here, NSA?"
Several panelists noted, "NSA's here, in the audience." (Nonesuch spoke, however.)
I made a comment to the person next to me, yeah, it's Ms. Denning. Kahn replied "No not really" Interesting that he'd know...
Nesson went on to ask, "What about national security interests outweighing the right to privacy?"
More interesting was "So, that's all key escrow will do? Let us catch stupid criminals?"
It was here that David Kahn offered his defense of key recovery.
Yeah, that did suck. 'was cool that he was sitting right next to me. For a while it gave me major spookies that Ms Denning was "eyeing me" turns out it was Mr. Kahn next to me she was eyeing. :)
Here, an audience member said that he worked at Salomon Brothers doing traffic analysis of vast E-mail, and that we should be aware that more electronic snooping is going on than most people know. How could we be sure that law enforcement would not similarly abuse systems set up to catch criminals for other purposes, as NSA allegedly does, and, now using the same methodolgies, as private companies do to spy on employees, customers and competitors.
And of course Mr. FBI Scott (What's the last name) said it was total bull. :) How would he know if the NSA was doing it and he was working for the FBI?
All panelists nodded at this, that it's hard to tell god from the devil, and crypto won't help.
Yeah, this whole thing left me with the feeling of "Yawn, I've heard both sides of this before, nothing new here..." =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian | "Boy meets beer. Boy drinks Beer, |./|\. ..\|/..|| Boy gets another beer!" |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ | |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, | For with those which eternal lie, with |.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"| strange aeons, even death may die. |..... ======================== =========================
participants (2)
John Young
Ray Arachelian